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Shin Yung Hee


Real You

username: keykim

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Le Princess 

Name: Shin Yung Hee

Kingdom: Kingdom of Topazios

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages You can Speak: Korean

Age: 17 

Birthday: November 9


Bubbly, bright, and happy. These are the words often used to describe Yung Hee. She is an optimistic young girl who loves to have fun. Always seen with a bright smile on her face, she is known as a mood maker. She is talkative around the people she is close with, but knows when to act refined. She is also quick to notice whenever someone is feeling sad, angry, nervous, shy, or embarrassed and will try her best to lift up the mood, aiming to make them feel as comfortable as possible. Tense situations are not her thing, and she likes to avoid these serious situations whenever possible. As she is optimistic, she believes that when a door closes, another opens. She believes in the calm after the storm rather than the other way around, and always works hard to get others to see the bright side of things, and she would always say "Without suffering, there would be no compassion.". 

She is talkative most times, but she knows when she needs to be serious. She is a light, bubbly person who enjoys being in the company of others, and they with her as she easily makes others feel at ease. She enjoys making others feel happy, just like her, and thus likes to crack jokes to get the mood flowing. She is also a very persistent person, never giving up on something or someone. Once she has her eyes set on something, she would strive to get it. She always tries her best to achieve her goals and to satisfy everyone. She also likes to ensure that nobody loses hope and for nobody to get left behind. She aims to get everyone to feel included, and has no problems interacting with those of a lower station. 

Topaz, her birthstone, is often associated with constancy, loyalty, faithfullness, friendship, strength, releasing tensions, and balancing emotions. These are all properties she aims to have. She wants to be someone people can depend on, someone full of faith, optimism, and friendliness. Though she is not the next in line, she wants to be a strong, independent woman who is easy to approach and she wants to be able to release tensions and to balance emotions of others. 

She, of course, like most other girls, can have a down side to her as well. While not easily upset, there are times when she will feel down. These are rare, and she would not show it out outwardly to others and would only reveal her feelings to the one person she feels the closest to. Jonghyun. Her persistence can also be seen as stubborness, as she does not know when to quit. She can sometimes act a little spoiled in the way that she wants things to go her way, though this is usually only with how she wants people to feel, which is happy. She can throw a short fit sometimes when she is angry, but only in front of Jonghyun as she trusts him the most. 

Some people would wonder why she is always so bright and friendly, but only she and Jonghyun know why. She hates being alone, and thus likes to surround herself with friends to avoid the feeling of being alone. 


  • Orchids (Flowers of her kingdom. Symbolises beauty, royalty, and love; the three things she hopes she can achieve.)
  • Topaz (Her birthstone. Also loves the symbolic meaning behind the stone.)
  • Children (They're always happy and she loves their innocence.)
  • The sound of laughter and smiles (She loves being able to share her happiness with those around her and loves seeing happy people as it makes her worries go away.)
  • Sunflowers (Her favourite flower next to orchids as these flowers turn to face the sun, symbolising people who turn to look at happiness and away from the darkness.)
  • Sunshine (She loves being in the sun as it feels great and warm.)
  • All four seasons (She sees the good in every season. Spring for the fresh start, Summer for its sun and thriving and growing plants, Autumn for the soothing breezes and falling leaves, a sign that the trees are waiting to start fresh, and Winter for the snow and its purity.)


  • Tense/serious situations (She can't stand being caught in these as there is usually no happiness in these situations.)
  • Crying (She hates it when people cry, especially herself, as every minute of sadness is 60 seconds wasted when you can be happy.)
  • Being alone (She enjoys being in the company of others as it comforts her, though there are few times when she prefers to be alone to comfort herself.)
  • Hide and Seek (She used to play this as a child but was once forgotten while she was hiding and she stayed in her dark hiding spot for the whole day until Jonghyun went looking for her.)
  • Dark places (She cannot sleep in the dark as she is afraid and does not like the dark as it is 'gloomy and moody'.)



  • Puffs up her cheeks and gently pokes them whenever she is thinking hard.
  • Hums to herself in a soft, shaky voice while gently rocking her body back and forth in a slow manner while tightly hugging her legs together when scared.
  • Locks herself in the bathroom or her room when she is crying.



Ulzzang Name: Lee Geum Hee

Pictures: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 


Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Kang Su Ra

Pictures: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 


How do you dress like? Casual? Formal? Sleeping?

Casual (Home) - 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 

Formal -1 || 2 || 3 || 4

Sleeping - 1 || 2 || 3 || 4

Semi Formal - 1 || 2 || 3 || 4

Winter/Autumn - 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8

Spring/Summer - 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 




Family Background:

Yung Hee's family is made up of her, her older brother, her mother, and her father. While close, they hardly spend any time with each other as her parents are busy overseeing the kingdom and her brother often goes away to other kingdoms on official business when he reached a proper age to be handling such affairs. They are a loving family, full of love and joy, and enjoy spending time with each other whenever they find the time to. 


Shin Hye Sung || 50 || Father || Alive || King || They interact with each other seldomly as he is a busy king but when they do, they like to joke around and play with each other as they are close to each other.

Shin Yun Mi || 44 || Mother || Alive || Queen || Like her father, they interact with each other very seldomly as she is a busy queen but when they do, they joke around and play with each other as well.

Shin Pil Gyo || 20 || Brother || Alive || Prince and heir to the throne || He interacts with Yung Hee more frequently than their parents and are friendly with each other, though her brother is recently always out due to official business regarding the kingdoms.

Kim Kibum || Any age || Close friend || ALive || Any job || They are friendly with each other due to their friendly personalities and like to joke around.

Choi Minho || Any age || Close friend || Alive || Any job || They are friendly with each other and like to tease each other playfully. 

Lee Jinki || Any age || Close friend || Alive || Any job || They are friendly with each other and enjoy talking with each other.

Lee Taemin || Any age || Close friend || Alive || Any job || They are friendly with each other and enjoy playing around with each other.

Kim Jonghyun || 19 || Best friend || Alive || Any job || They are very close to each other and enjoy spending time doing the things they like with each other.

How you met your friends:

Kim Kibum (Key)

Yung Hee met Key when he went over to the castle for a friendly visit when she was 5 years old. They became quick friends due to their friendly and outgoing nature and quickly became close friends.

Choi Minho

Yung Hee met Minho when he went over to the castle for a friendly visit when she was 6 years old. While Minho was not as outgoing as Key, Yung Hee's friendliness made up for his part and they became friends and became closer over time as they got to know each other better.

Lee Jinko (Onew)

Yung Hee met Onew when he went over to the castle for a friendly visit. Unlike the others, he was a shy boy but Yung Hee's friendliness made them quick friends and the quickly became close friends.

Lee Taemin

Yung Hee met Taemin when he went over to the castle for a friendly visit. He was outgoing though somewhat shy at first, but their friendliness enabled them to become quick friends and grew closer over time.



Love Interest

Name: Kim Jonghyun from SHINee

Kingdom: Kingdom of Topazios

Occupation: Personal guard for Shin Yung Hee

Age: 19

Birthday: April 8


Jonghyun is a very talkative person who seems to have something to say all the time. When he is nervous, he tends to talk at a very fast speed, though not many notices this habit of his due to his talkative nature. He is someone who believes in hard work and perseverence, believing that if you truly like something, it would not be difficult for you to persevere on. To him, there is no shortcut to achieving perfection. It is only attainable through hard work and more hard work. Though he believes in this, there are times when he will feel like giving up and can no longer take it and will sometimes hide away and cry it out (he is not afraid to show his emotions). However, once he is done, he will continue to work even harder than before. He is someone who does not shy away from anyone and is willing to flaunt it all. He is confident in his looks and character. He does not try to cover up his mistakes and will admit it truthfully. He is also someone who has to make absolute preparations for everything and will stay awake overnight to finish his preparations. When his progress does not meet his expectations, he will become restless and short tempered, though he will recover quickly. He is also someone who understands the importance of health, only eating healthy foods and will not eat at all if they are not available and is willing to go hungry. He likes a girl who seeks novelty at times. In other words, someone who is not afraid to try new things. 

Jonghyun is well loved by those who know him well, and is considered as a valuable companion to have. While he seems to be the 'bad boy' among his friends, he is actually kind hearted. He is perceived as the 'bad boy' because he is not afraid to point out something to someone and will lecture people when they are doing something wrong and is also the one who keeps people's discipline in check. He is someone who is thoughtful of others and is always thinking for others silently and secretly in a way that is not done openly and takes care of the people around him in that way. The people that have been friends with him for a long time would say that they have received his care for a long time and learned a lot from him, though Jonghyun would say that he is the lousiest of his friends as he is sometimes harsh in the way he speaks. 

Jonghyun has been working for Yung Hee as a guard for 4 years since he was 15. They have a very tight bond, almost inseparable, and both willingly open up to each other. Jonghyun began to develop feelings for her 2 years into his service, but he never said anything about it as he knows his place. He was not royalty like her. Instead, he remains as a loyal companion to her, constantly helping her out. They are playful with each other, and are always there for each other. Now, he wishes for her to find someone who can replace him as he knows that they can never be together but is willing to stay by her side until she finds love. He is also grateful to her family for allowing him to stay in the castle, and is not willing to offend them by openly confessing to the princess. 

How you guys met:

Jonghyun was taken in by slave traders at the age of 4 when the village he lived in by the countryside was attacked by his fellow 'adopters'. His family was killed during the attack and the slave traders took him, along with the other survivors, and decided to sell them off. When the slave traders' raids were getting more serious, the news of them reached the king of Topazios and he sent out a small party to execute the slavers. After the slavers were killed or sent to jail, the slaves were freed. Most of them still had family with them but Jonghyun was alone. The commander of the party took pity on the young boy and took him back to the kingdom. There, he stayed in the castle as a servant boy until he was 15, which was when he was made the princess' guard. They grew up together, side by side, and she would often run off to play with him in the castle. 

His friends:

Kim Kibum aka Key || SHINee || Any kingdom || Any job || Any age || Close friend || Met through Yung Hee when Key visited the kingdom

Lee Jinki aka Onew || SHINee || Any kingdom || Any job || Any age || Close friend || Met through Yung Hee when Onew visited the kingdom

Choi Minho || SHINee || Any kingdom || Any job || Any age || Close friend || Met through Yung Hee when Minho visited the kingdom

Lee Taemin || SHINee || Any kingdom || Any job || Any age || Close friend || Met through Yung Hee when Taemin visited the kingdom

Shin Yung Hee || OC || Kingdom of Topazios || Princess || 17 || Best friend || Met when young

How he dresses like: 1 ||  2 || 3 || 4 || 5 


Back-Up Love Interest Name: Kim Kibum from SHINee

Kingdom: Kingdom of Topazios

Occupation: Personal guard Shin Yung Hee


Birthday: September 23

Personality: Same as Jonghyun

How you guys met: Same as Jonghyun

His friends: Same as Jonghyun, only replace Jonghyun with Key and vice versa

How he dresses like: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5





Comments/Requests?: Hope you like my application. If I miss out anything, just let me know and I will fix it!! ^^

Password:  Topaz


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