First day was like...=.=' Seriously?

Hey guys^___^ I'm back again! And today was my first day back to school and I survived! I freaking survived! Yeah!

In the morning, as soon as I arrive at school, everything was a blur and when I saw the students assemble, looking like some lost goats, I said, "The is this , early in the morning." Then, I realized I was in school and quickly searched for my class but I couldn't find it=.=' Why must this happen the first thing in the morning?

And when we finally entered our class, I took the seat which was at the most back^___^ Yeah, now, I can scribble, eat and do whatever I want in class! Yey!

Siwon has the most epic expression ever!

Keke~ Life was good until then, but my teacher had to like ruin everything! She ing gave us homework on the first day of school! A damn homework on the first damn day of school! Seriously? You gotta to stop this and let me have some fun on the first day don't ya' think, so lady? I have a life! Yes, I do!

Do I have to do it? Guess what? I've done it=.= Well, that's because one of my goal this year is to actually finish the homeworks given... Yeah, I'm a nerd but meh... I need to change my way of life once in a while for my own good:P

Oh and I'm in-charge of taking care of the cleanliness of my class... Seriously, shoot me now.

Now, I have to do that duty rooster ... Ugh! I don't like this one bit but... since the teacher gave me her trust, I shall do it for her cuz she's a nice lady unlike that lady who gave me HOMEWORK!!!! Yeah, I'm gonna just drown myself in kpop for a while to calm myself down!

The face... LOL><

And also I'll try to update my story, "Who the hell is she?!" for this week... I got the ideas and I just need to write it down... I need to go now and get ready for school tomorrow... Bye-bye!



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PaboForSJ #1
My teachers asked us to do an introduction of ourselves so many times~ =.=
your teacher is like me! she gave us homework on the first day!
lol fun on first day of school? You're not a kid anymore~
lmfao Krisus face ;w; my school doesnt start till february 4th or something so im freee. But omgosh good luck c: you're becoming a woman lol okay .___.
Are you in college?
EunbiME #6
Ahh~ Today was the first day of classes for this year... tiring!~
My mind still thinks that 6:00 am is too early~
And what's worse was my mind was nearly blank to answer a single question in math class...

But three more months then it's off to college... hahaha GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US!!~
Today the damn teacher gave us a sticker that we are suppose to wear and it was not like some Kpop 1( which I wanted so bad...)it was a 'I <3 school'and I was like "WTF!!"I was like"give me a damn marker and I would write "I <\3 school!"
Ah~ my first day back was as well a blur. I really was only frustrated in math class which is my second to last class as I couldn't figure out what the hell was on our worksheets and we had a damn sub -_- We had to go to homeroom first thing and it was for basically nothing (just for those who got their schedules changed). I'm always in the front. I guess it's because we go in alphabetical often and my last name starts with G so...
Giving hw on the first day is normal T^T We get hw everyday no matter what. No excuses.
ForeverYourShawol #11
I hate it when teachers give work on the first day. T_T
Gotta love it when that happens...DX sense my sarcasm? XD haha
how evil ! How could she give you homework in the 1st day ~!?
durian2003 #14
OMG KRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *squeals and hyperventilates*

*quickly takes in deep breath* *calms down* sorry abt that.... *dusts off shoulders* it's just, my bias you know.... KRIIIIISSSSS!!!! *goes all giddy* and don't worry dear. I'm sure it's much less of a hassle than an assistant monitor.. ;)

and speaking of homework... i had homework too but left it undone cuz, i am lazy liddat... not good for a first day eh? oh well..