
Hello :P

Yae! I finally got the horrible thing out! It's done! It took me a week. Now I've worked on fiction a lot longer than that, but this fic seemed like it was going to be the death of me! With all my complaining aside, I really do hope everyone likes it, not noticing the blood stains. I think I'm getting better at the whole poster thing, and the sequel is coming soon, I don't know if within the week, cause if I don't get it done by Sun, I can't post for at least a week. (Next Sun) The sequel will be mature, but i will also put up a clean version (maybe vastly different) for the younger crowd :) I hope it is liked too.

My vacation is almost over =insert sad face= and I don't really want it to end. The next free day off is know...I don't know xD But I've found out even on days off I can't sleep after 10. Even if I go to bed at 3am. It kind of .

The toads are ringing in the new year on Sat/Sun they're going back to my place, and I have to clean their cage, put new water in, give them crickets and new moss :) I'm sure they'll be happy.

So I wish you guys happiness!  


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Is the younger crowd me, unnie? ;')

I'll definaltly read the sequel if it comes outt~

Plus.. if it doesn't have i could read it i guess.. even if it's rated m.
Anyways... YAY♡