Mansion of Fate || Kwon Jaehwa


aff information

username: sica171_ANDROMEDA


what do you want me to call you?: Jessica or Sica is fine

character information

name: Kwon Jaehwa

birthday: 06/06

age: 23

gender: male


  • lazy
  • indifferent when it comes to anything that won't benefit himself
  • intelligent
  • sharp tongue (honest, but sometimes too honest)
  • a bit manipulative (he likes to toy with people when he gets bored)
  • stubborn
  • cool
  • calm
  • athletic (running, swimming, basically most sports; he can also defend himself if he needs to)

history: Jaehwa is your typical spoiled rich kid. His dad's company runs various self-care facilities from hospitals, to spas, etc. His mother is a former model and now a prominent designer. His whole life, Jaehwa always got what he wanted and never had to work for anything. He's that jerk in your class who never studies, but still aces every test. The only thing he's ever really put any work into is his band with his couple close friends - in which, he plays guitar.

likes: ~guitar
~video games
~keeping in style (clothes, changes hair color, etc.)

dislikes: ~hard work
~being bored
~clothes (lol, but if i was a guy i'd wanna be shirtless all the time... just sayin)

habits: ~smoking

~tousles his hair when he thinks


trivia: ~fluent in korean, english, and french
~has a major sweet tooth
~late to bed, late to rise (night owl)
~never chases after a girl
~soft spot for animals and children

Mansion Reservations

Butler: Eunkwang

Why coming to mansion: Jaehwa was actually "kicked out" by his parents. They finally became angry at their son for his lack of motivation to do anything and just wanted him out of the house, so they are paying for him to stay somewhere else for now. As they searched for a place to send their son, the mansion caught their attention for it's style and location.

Special Request: plenty of desserts


ulzzang: Park Jaehyun

links: *



backup ulzzang: Park Hyungseok

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other stuff

any other request on your character?: nothing i can think of ^^


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