Being a high school or normal student in Spain

Just two words that would make any student in the world happy:



Longer holidays !



Spain's is one of the countries in the world with most scholar failure, that's true ( 40% of students just go 'BAAHHH I'M GONNA QUIT THIS SH*T' after finishing highschool ). But gaaaahhhhh you're so lucky if you study here. 


I was being ironic right now.


Well, if in our dear South Korea they complain because they work too much, here our parents complain that we do absolutely nothing.


Our grades rank from 1 to 10; if you get less than a 5, you should quit. If you have from a 5 to a 6, consider yourself lucky for passing just by the thin line. 7 and 8, then you're a very good student. If you take from 9 to 10, then you're a prodigy - or maybe you just offered jamón ibérico to your teacher !


Whatever ! What really counts is that you had that 5+. If not, lo siento amigo.



The good points of it ?


Well, I'll just have to explain to you my school life then XD.


I wake up at 7:30 AM and catch the bus at 8 AM. I have a nice trip until I get to the parking lot near my highschool, approximately around 8:32 AM. María Belén and Anna María usually are waiting for me already. Then, we three wait for Tatiana's, Belén's younger sister and my - you already know who she is - bff Marina, who come in another bus.

First bell rings at 8:40, but we have until 8:45 to enter in class. You enter afterwards ? Sorrehh, you're late. First class lasts until 9:40, and second until 10:40. Then it's morning break, from 10:40 to 11:10. 3o minutes guys, 30 minutes ! ... And it only seems like 5 to me :(


Then we have the killer 3 straight hours without rest. From 11:10 to 14:10, you have absolutely no escapatory. Don't even try to skip classes and run back home. You'll be expelled as soon as you get there.


Yeah, right ? Eating hours are sooooo late here in Spain. In the UK, Portugal and France, students start lunch between 12:30~13:00. Here ? Even if you're a desperate-compulsive-eater-that-doesn't-get-fat-by-miracle like me, you'll just have to kill time until 14:30~15:00.




If they don't want to eat something, they just give it to me !



T-they l-love m-me s-so mu-much :'3



¿ Pero Mariana, dónde vas comiendo así ? ¡¿ Estás loca ?!

Trans: But Mariana, what do you do eating like that ? Are you crazy ?!


Aish, Mianhae. Just my stomach that was supposed to eat at 1 PM and gets some food at 3 PM... two hours later ¬¬


The best part is that we, sometimes, enter in the cantine around 15:20... and the bell rings at 15:25.


Consequences ?


  • You get late to classes - negative points, worst grades
  • You have to eat like a cheeta, because the lions are coming and you have no time - that means you'll eat more, eat more calories than what you need, what happens to create unnecessary fats in your body, can provoke overweight or obesity after a long time doing this
  • With all the rush, it's more likely you'll lose your house keys or your clothes
  • You have to run back to get the things you've forgotten/dropped by the way
  • You'll get even later to class
  • Teacher will make you stand in the hallway for the following hour... or until she/he thinks it's enough.



Too bad.




Afternoon classes are from 15:30 to 17:30. 'Nuff said.



Buuuuuuuuut. This is HIGHSCHOOL life. PRIMARY fellas are luckier.



Now I'm getting into my sister's territory *Smirking devilishly* 



That lucky brat has classes from 9 to 11, then from 11:30 to 13 - Oh yeah, she does eat in decent hours, not like her older sister who has to suffer so much ! - And then from 15 to 16:30... that **** !!!



Oh ? Middle school ?



Naaah. That doesn't even exist in Spain. 


To make things clear:


*Nursery: 1-3 years old.

*Pre-School: From 3 to 6 years old. ( P-3, P-4 and P-5 )

Primary School: From 6 to 12 years old. ( 1rst to 6th grade )

High School: From 12 to 16 years old. [ 1ºESO (7th grade), 2ºESO (8th grade) , 3ºESO (9th grade), 4ºESO (10th grade, my year) ]. Most basic school certificate you need to work. You'll probably finish up as a waiter, cleaning personnel or, if you want to do something different, you can always try to be a soldier in the army. But I think they're beggining to ask for Bachillerato level now...

Bachillerato (Baccelaurate or something like that): From 16 to 18 years old. It's like the last two years of high school in other countries, often compared to the O'Levels. Up to you if you want to do it or not, they won't force you. If you do it, you'll have a better job. You can be a nurse, for example.

Ciclo Formativo (Formative Cicle): Like bachillerato, but the difference is that you'll only get to be a summer camp certified volunteer or something like that. Too bad =.=

Facultad (College): From 18 to 2? years old.

University: From 18 to 2? years old.


* I didn't do it :P



Yet, I have to explain the best part of being a high school student in... Catalonia. Not full Spain. So sorry.


  • Old school green/black chalkboards ? Who needs them ? Ours are digital and are like huge touch screens, much better !
  • Every single class has a WiFi router, and we all bring laptop to school !
  • Summer holidays from 22nd June to 17th September !
  • Christmas Holidays from 21st December to 8th January !
  • And more long holidays, as well as holy days and festives ! For not saying when we don't have school because we do strikes and protest against politicians' mesures on the streets !






And I'm going to explain why we have holidays until the 8th of January and not until the 2nd. Here in Catalonia people celebrate the Dia de Reis ( Magis day, 6th January ) as if it was Christmas. Heck, they even celebrate it way more than Christmas. Kids get their presents on Magis Day, not Christmas Day. So, they give the following day off to 'relax after the stressful day' and then, on the following, we just have to get back to school. I don't celebrate Magis thought. It's a catalan tradition, and because I spent most part of my childhood in Portugal - where they just come back to school tomorrow ( Ups I mean today. I'm sorry for you >:P ) - I just don't do it.




Seeing it better, isn't it a shame that we get so bad results ? I have family all over Switzerland and oh ! Only one cousin of mine has this at school.

Well, portuguese are familiar with this as well.



Magalhães, alguêm... ?

Trans: Magalhães, somebody ?

Magalhães, from the name of the portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan ( Oh my pinoy friends, I'm sorry if he cause any harm to you back in the 16th century ), was an education program that started in 2006? and was impulsated by PS and its Prime Minister, José Sócrates - a big son of a b**** that ruined our country -, by giving laptops to primary school students, to make the country 'more modern'


From 2005 to 2010, politicians here gave us so many oportunities to have a decent school system. 


And now, with the echonomical crisis, seeing that there's no money, and the students don't give a sh*t about going to school - Korean students would be ashamed of acting like this, I swear to you -, they just take money away from education to pay the external debts and fulfill their own pockets.






Oh right.


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You're so lucky lolll
Our school here in Vietnam don't even allow us to bring our digital devices to school, the school rules are very strict. Us students have to wear WHITE sneakers (only white, if you wear shoes in different colors, meaning you'll have to call your parents to bring the white sneakers to school for you/run home to get them or you're dead. And if you're late for school once, they'll consider it as a 'mistake' and if you have 4 of it, you'll be graded as an average student and you'll be a shame to your family (we take school really seriously), we have grades based on your behaviour at school too. If you're involved in a fight, you skip school, etc; they'll mark your behaviour as low (idek what the word is sorry) and you wont be able to earn the title of a good student.
BlackjackPride #2
PAA me cope jajajajja se me alargo el comentario perdon!!
BlackjackPride #3
Ja-ja, no creas que la educacion en Uruguay es mejor. Aca en donde yo vivo, hay un liceo (secundaria, desde 12 hasta los 18 años mas o menos) publico, que literalmente, aunque no sepas nada igual salvas el año! Y esos alumnos despues son los que se cambian de liceo y no saben nada, si tienen suerte de ser cambiados y por lo menos aprender algo los ultimos años, si hacen toda la secundaria ahi? Ni sueñes que van a poder ir a facultad! Y los profesores, hay muchos que van a cobrar su sueldo y nada mas y ni se preocupan si aprendes o no, me han tocado profesores que ni se molestan en enseñarte, y eso que voy a uno privado. Obvio no es todo asi, como en todos lados, pero esa es la realidad. La educacion se ha quedado muy atras, un estudiante coreano viviria de la felicidad por el poco estres que tendria aca en comparacion a Corea. Ah, y no te dije? Uruguay es el pais con mas vacaciones en Latinoamerica, esta la semana de turismo o semana santa como le dicen los catolicos, que dura una semana, luego las vacaciones de julio, dos semanas, las de setiembre o primavera, una semana, y encima de eso los feriados y asuetos (una determinada cantidad de dias que pueden utilizar los centros educacionales y si no me equivoco tambien los laborales en los que puedes faltar y basicamente es como un feriado, se le suelen agregar dias de asueto a los feriados ya existentes asi se alargan). En fin, la tenemos bastante gozada aca en comparacion a otros lugares, pero aun asi yo me estreso como los mejores >.< No se que haria en Corea si estudiara alli .__.
You have it easy. When I was in highschool I had to stay late from cram class for exams and stayed up til like 3 every morning trying to finish my homework. Although after a while your classmates become almost like family because you're not allowed to date inside school XD I kinda miss my old classmates because we always covered each other whenever we wanted to sleep...