Things that I'm thankful for

So even if it's 6am and I haven't had a wink of sleep, I will make a blog. 

Why? I feel like it. Shut up. My life is y right now so I have to find things I'm thankful for

These are the things that I'm thankful for.


  • My subscribers (all 35 of them XDD) - see, I don't have a high karma since I just got into AFF less than 2 months ago. Having my fanfic featured is not really achievable so I'm thankful that even if I'm just a newbee in this site there are people subscribing to my fics. I put a lot of effort into my fics so it means a lot to me that there are people who appreciate it.
  • ChangSoo in RP - Ok I dumped Minho in favor of a ChangSoo couple in our RP. ChangSoo is my newly found addiction. I usually hate pairing Changmin and Minho with other idols but Sooyoung is another story. If they pair them up with Soo or if Soo dates one of my biases irl I wouldn't be a butthurt fangirl. I WOULD SPAZZ. 
  • Good writers - well, not really stellar but I'm glad that the better writers are in my fandom. DBSK, ChangSoo, MinBer, KeyBer... or maybe I just don't raed the stupid ones, that's why I think of the writers in the fandom I read are better.
  • I updated Memories of Summer. Posting an Update has this sense of accomplishment.
  • I posted Parlorista. It has been on hold for 3 years wtf????
  • I am gonna sleep now.


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