Happy New Year! Let this year be a great one! ;D 





[FROM EXO-M] 130101 - EXO-M's New Year's Messages


KRIS: Fan dears, in the new year become even more beautiful, handsome. Live wonderfully every day!!! I hope that I can keep giving you all joy ♥ Happy new year ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅎㅎ

XIUMIN: Because I was able to have meet everyone in 2012 Happy ^^ Since we are working hard on our new album please anticipate a lot from EXO in 2013!!

LUHAN: We’re welcoming another new year again, here I wish everyone a happy new year! I hopes everything goes well for you! Be happy every day! ^_^ ♥! Thank you ^_^ I love you ♥

LAY: Everyone I love you ♥ I wish everyone a happy new year. I hope everyone can be with EXO-M to pass year after year. In every day of the new year, because of you all it will be even more amazing.

CHEN: Everyone~ it’s finally 2013! If I turn back and look at this last 2012, there really only seems to be things to be grateful about. I hope that there will only be happy and smile filled things in 2013 also. Everyone~ happy new year~ I love you♥

TAO: I love you!! The first day of 2013. From today, I hope everyone’s wishes come true, that everything goes well for you all. EXO continues to be with everyone. 2011, 2012, 2013…..every year, let us never separate. Thank you all, I wish for everyone to learn well, peaceful work, that your dreams can come true.. (T/N: He wrote I love you in English, Korean, and Chinese on the left)

source: EXO-M’s board
translation cr; hyewon@exom-trans and zesha@exok-trans
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Suho: Hello! This is EXO-K’s leader Suho!! 2012 was quite a year for us EXO, one deep with meaning. I believe we were happy because we went through it all with you. Thank you for giving us so much love this year, and we won’t forget our gratitude and continue to work hard and become an exceptional group. I love you!! Happy New Year!!

Baekhyun: Hello~! It’s EXO’s light Baekhyun! Thank you so so much for making this passing year so delightful for us! As much as you’ve loved us, we’ll see you again with an image just as cool! Always cheer us on, and we’ll try even harder to give back and share your love! I love you~♥

Chanyeol:  Year 2012. It has been a meaningful year for us EXO!! Let’s all make 2013 an even more special year!! Please love us more and cherish us~! I love you~ ♥_♥

D.O: Hi! It’s EXO-K’s D.O! This year I have been happy because of our fans! We’ll present ourselves with an even cooler image next year! I wish you all New Year’s good fortune and good health! Heart.

Kai: Hello! It’s EXO-K’s Kai! How did 2012 treat you? I think this year may have been slightly different because you spent it with us EXO! I think it was so fulfilling for me because we were together. I want you all to (without fail!) achieve resolutions you couldn’t last year and seize this new year with all the opportunities it offers you and make it significant and rewarding. I will do the same~ ~_~ This coming year, EXO will return with a new look and I will return in new colors as a 20-year old Kai!! I wish you New Year’s fortune and good health!!

Sehun: Have a lot of New Year’s fortune and good health! (rice cake soup, nyam nyam) This is EXO’s maknae, Sehun. It’s already 2013… It’s half anticipation…and half reluctance (T/N: reluctance to leave something behind because of memories or because a part of it is unfulfilled)… It makes me so happy knowing I’ll be ringing in the New Year with you all! Haha. Please love EXO a lot in 2013! You know we’ll be together to the end, right? I love you!! ♥

source: exo-k’s official website

translation cr; juliana @ exok-trans

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vanadium_elmm #1
"I will return in new colors as a 20-year old Kai!!" Haha. I don't know why i laughed in that statement.

Btw, that's a very cute gif over there. Ii made me really laugh in tears. HAHAAHHAHAHAH
You're still on????? XD