A Post For All Authors

This post I'm writing is dedicated to all authors out there. I hope that after you finish reading this post, you will be more understanding of your fellow authors on AFF.


I know  there are a lot of cases of plagiarism on AFF and a lot of authors try their hardest to keep their work copyrighted and warns us readers and other authors time and time again to not plagiarise their work. I, of course, understand why they're doing so. And I believe that they trust us, the strangers on the internet, enough to not do so. But I learnt a very important thing from my number 1 and greatest AFF writer so far, Goddess unnie.


In a blog post, she said ,and I quote "I believe that coincidences can happen. And I believe even if the setting is similar, the brain would allow enough creativity to develop the story to something different.

I've never once contacted any of the people who plagiarized my stories, I don't feel the need to. They might have similar storylines, but they aren't so evil to copy everything...right?

And then things got a little worse, when the title is exactly the same, save for the main character's name.

The way I phrase my foreword, the tiny details that happen in the story, the way it starts...I realize they're the same.

I get so frustrated, so shocked, but I still don't contact the author in question. Once, I let one of my readers just comment on the fic in question to hint that the similarities are starting to get striking, and the person started to change the storyline after that.

I remain in my stand, I will never ask anyone to take down their stories just because its similar to mine.

I trust you have put in your effort in making that story, and I can never understand the pride one gets from a work that wasn't theirs. Unless you've copied everything, I will let it go."

So yeah. That is her view.

My view on this matter is that there is bound to be someone out there in the world who will come up with the exact same stories we come up with. There maybe a few differences here and there but, yes there are bound to be people who will come up with the same plot we have. And thing is, we don't even know them. I want all authors out there to be more understanding of each other. These are our fantasies. We come up with these stories based on what variety shows, music shows or reality shows have shown us of our idols. It is hard to make anything truly different from each other given the fact that what we experience or what we see is more less the same as everyone else.


Plus, I believe that authors that encounter this problem should keep tabs on each other if both have the same story. Warn each other first. From there, most likely your stories will start to differ and problem solved right? Yes. There is no need to be harsh and blaming each other. We are all humans, we all make mistakes. And we all can forgive and forget. So please, authors of AFF, be more understanding of each other and show the maturity and pure passion we have for our idols that is unique to us KPOP fans and us only.


Thank you


Blue ♥


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I've read her post and yes, I agreed with it :)