Bias Survey (stolen from KyuWookiELF~)

I hope you don't mind... I loved it  >u<




1. Name of your bias? (Stage or real)

Kim Ryeowook (aigoooo~~~)


2. Age?

25 (26? whatever)


3. Age difference between you and them?

10 (hummm it's not that much xDDD .__.)


4. Favourite physical trait of your bias?

eyes, smile, cheeck bones... or reduce it to ING EVERYTHING~!!


5. Favourite characteristic trait?

he's reaaaally sweet and kyute


6. Are they taller or shorter than you?

Taller (which actually makes me really happy xD)


7. Have they ever cross dressed before?

yep -w- (DUH! freaking Super Junior~!)


8. Do they smoke or drink?

smoke... no that I know (plus I'll kill him if he does)

drink.... hoho yeah... a lot xD


9. Describe their build

well.... not as built as SIwon or Teukie... (OH GOSH.. *nosebleed*) but still FREAKING HOT ~!!!!!


10. Their favourite colour is?

mmm purple ^^ just like mine .n.


11. Do they have siblings?

Nope,only child


12. If you could buy them anything as a gift what would it be?

a giraffe plushie bigger than my head o u o

or a cooking book ^^



What would your reaction be if:

13. You heard they were in an accident?

MY BABY~! OMOMOMOMOMO *hyperventilates* I HAVE TO KNOW IF HE'S ALRIGHT~!!!!! *cries*

(and keep being like that until I know he's ok ^^)


14. They got a piercing/ tattoo?

mmmmm  'Me Gusta' ... xD


15. Had a comeback on your birthday?



-die again

-fangirl again

-and finally snapping saying it's the best birthday present evar kkk~~ 


16. Found they got pregnant/got a girl pregnant?

out of marriage: OH NO HE DIDN'T~!!! YAH KIM RYEOWOOK~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *and snap*

in marriage: aigoo~~~~  congrats oppa~!!!


17. Got kicked out of their company?


(yeah... plus the real urge to go and slap Lee Sooman)


18. They were involved in a legal dispute?

HUH??!! WAE??!!!! ;A;


19. Beat someone up?

OMO Wookie~!!!! o.O

20. Had a habit you couldn't stand?

mmmmmm try to bear with it... or complain xD


If you were your bias?

21. Would you date a fan?

mmmm why not?? o u o


22. Have a solo album?

well DUH~! my voice is perfect ^^ .-.


23. Quit music and do acting?

not really.....~

24. Kiss a fan on the lips cheek?

it would be funny/scary to see her reaction xD


25. Date another kpop star?

yeah, if she's pretty. Why not??






THAT PIC~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FNSADFIOENRIWRWMOEIFNOE;EW *massive fangirling*


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:O where is that pic from!!
Wookie you amazing angel <3