Goodbye 2012

OMG! The last day of 2012!!! OMGGGG! Gosh, i can't wait for 2013, and it's TOMOLLOW!

Hehe, as you can tell, i'm extremely excited (when am i not) BUT that's ookay:D I just hope I don't work tonight! I WOULD CRY! That would be velly sad xPPP

Okay, so like my dance group and I are doing secret santa (I had my frwend Noona ) but I DON'T KNOW WHO I HAVE!

It makes me velly sad... BUT that's okay hehe:D

BUT I should be happy! BECAUSE IT'S NEW YEARS! Gosh, what is with me??? Lol! BUT I hope you guys have an awesome new years

And that you guys will succed you next new years resolution! Cause I didn't *tear*

WELL, kalkaeyo chingu's! Ahnyeong:D

P.S Tha's a picture from like..... fifth grade, ikik, UGLY


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