Book List 2012 and 2013 To Read Goals

This year have been really busy for me regarding with work so to say, I don't think I've read that much fics or watched that much drama, anime, or anything this year XD  However, I do believe I've read a lot of books (or rather ebooks XD) this year compared to the previous years.

1.)  Unchanted by Chanda Hahn (free ebook!!!)

If you love Fairy Tales twisted in modern times with some magic and fable creatures, you'll love this one.


2.) Fairest by Chanda Hahn (not free but... I got it free >:3)

Sequel to the previous.  I'm still waiting for the 3rd book <3 Really loving this series~


3.)  Evernight by Claudia Gray

I borrowed this book from a friend because I had nothing to do at work in my previous company XD It's a teenage vampire story, but really fun since the school is mixed with humans and vampires.  The humans, however, doesn't know that they go to school with vampires.  Interesting setting really~ ^^  Plus, the main girl is insecure because the students seem so beautiful/handsome around her.  Hahahaha!!! It's a vampire thing~ Lolz


4.)  Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan

I read this because I knew David Levithen from "Boy Meets Boy".  There are two Will Graysons in the book.  One is gay with some anger issues and one is straight, calm and had rules set for himself.  It talked about their lives until they met one night and no, they don't end up together =P  but they became really good friends.  Their love lives are very interesting too~ 


5.)  Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Somebody recommended this to me after she read my Suicide Diary fic.  This book involves around the person who committed suicide and 13 tapes where she recorded 13 reasons which involved 13 people as to why she committed suicide.  I really like how she told each story and how the person listening to it felt.


6.)  Abraham Lincoln:  The Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith

I bought this book before I knew there was going to be a movie.  The reason is because I love "Dawn of the Dreadful" which was of course written by Seth Grahame-Smith.  This book really got me hooked just like "Dawn of the Dreadful"  I felt very satisfied yet sad that such a good story has ended.  I recommend you guys read it because it's very different from the events in the movie though I must say that the movie was still satisfying.


7.)  Dream Lake by Lisa Kleypas

Romance and I thought it was kind of boring at the start but things got interesting when the two characters met.  I also like how the story is being told by a ghost's point of view.  The ghost can be seen by the main guy in the story and there's a connection to everything and I find it funny how the ghost decides to disappear when the guy and girl starts doing.... stuff... you know~ Hahaahaha!!! The ending is really nice too.  


8.)  The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky's

Unfortunately, I haven't seen the movie T_T  Anyway, I like the book and the events happening to the main guy who seems to be not so normal as he has his own issues as well, but I like how he made friends and interacted with the people around him.  Really an interesting character which made the whole story very interesting.


9.) Venomous by Christopher Krovatin

A guy with anger issues but his friend lead him to having a group of friends and then falls in love with a girl who has depression issues I guess~ Hahahaha!! It's really fun <3  I really like how this guy loves his mom and brother too <3


Have you noticed how I liked characters with issues? XD 


I've read other books that are short like the oneshot fics that I've read.  I don't find those things much interesting unless there's I guess.  Hahahah!!! I won't list them down anymore.


I know that 9 books probably doesn't mean much to others XD but it really means a lot to me.  I haven't even read this much back in my university days.  I probably read only 1 or 2 in a year and the rest would be school textbooks XD 


10.) Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan

I haven't finished reading this yet but it's really interesting how a girl has telepathic communication with a guy she haven't met and when the two finally met.... it's one very interesting meeting~ XD  And if you like mysterious guys kinda like Edward Cullen  then I must say you'll probably like Jared Lynburn.  Hahahaha!!! Speaking of Jared.... there's also a mysterious Jared in Unenchanted too.  Hahahaha!!! I can't believe the coincidence~ Lolz 


2013 Goals~

-to finish reading Unspoken

-to finish reading the rest of Evernight Series which means I have around 4 more boosk to read

-Hunger Games (I've been meaning to read this @_@ Just never got to do so this year ^^ so hopefully next year~)

-Fifty Shades of Gray Trilogy (Same as a bove)

-The Gravedigger's Brawl (it's a MUST because it's LOLZ!)


Just a few hours to go... I'd like to say ADVANCE HAPPY NEW YEAR~!


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hae_ki #1
wow... bali ta. mas daghan ko nabasa pag uni days (kanang non-medical related)... the sidney sheldon marathon and the goal to fill up the library card. nya katong Cry to Heaven -ish oh my gad jud to nga book. .__.
pero daghan2 pud intawn ko nabasa karon tuig pud XD

ooohhh~ yeah the Hunger games. dapat mubasa napud ko ana
naa ka copy anang book nga plan nimo pwede mangayo.
Hmm. I'll be sure to look into some of them. The Will Grayson one really piqued my interest! The rest.... not as much. :)
Happy New Year babe~ /winks and blows you a kiss/
ah, mao diay familiar kaau nang thirteen reasons why.
i've read the first few chapters before stopping.
i want to read Will Grayson, Will Grayson too!
i just can't get around on buying it 'coz i'm a cheapskate.
and hunger games, one of the best books i've read!
naay uban diri na first time nako
i might give some of them a read.
The 8th. :D
I haven't seen the movie but the book is <3333333333~

I want the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy. XD
orz. :3