My F-ed Up First Day of School Went Like This...

WELL! Before I start ranting about my first day of school. I should let you know, even BEFORE my school day could start, I couldn't get to sleep >_< I went to bed around 12:30ish and fell asleep around 4:30 or 5 in the morning when I get up at 6:30 >_< So i was basically a walking zombie the whole day -_-
OKAY! So my day started like this, I woke up after only an hour or so of sleep and got ready for school. My hair wasn't cooperating with me -_- AND THEN when I wanted to drive to school, I couldn't because my mom's car was blocking mine. So I had to get my stepdad to drive me to school in my mom's car (I have my permit and I'm not allowed to drive my mom's car >_<). Then almost half way to my school, I realized I forgot my locker lock so I had to go back to my house and get it >_<
I FINALLY get to school to see a bunch of punk- freshman blocking the walkways in the hallways. Me, being the impatient person I am, shouted at them to move since I was already in a somewhat bad mood >_< I then text my friend (Hiseu102...I think that's her username. I forget -_-) and asked her where she was. She said she was in Mrs. R's room. Me, being slightly slow, went to another teacher's room, who is Mrs. Rorer, who is also my anime club advisor ^-^, and you get the R's right??? I was confused so I texted her again then she started getting mad at me T-T Then I remembered that my old Algebra 2 teacher was Mrs. R -_- (I can't spell her whole last name so I'm not gonna attempt). So I went there and hung out a bit and lost track of time. I was late to my first block -_-
Now my school runs on block scheduling so I have 4 classes a day, 86 minutes each...I think...-_- My first block being Fine Arts 1 which made me happy, because one of my best guy friends were taking the same class along with some of my friends in Anime Club ^-^ The subsitute art teacher was a FAIL. My original art teacher is out currently since she had a baby ^-^ ANYWAY, the sub was a fail. No matter how many times we said we needed to go to our lockers (which are assigned to us in 1st block), we never went. I ended up going to my locker in my second block -_-
Okay, here's where the REAL f-ed upness happened. Since the guidance office in my school FAILS, they put me in the wrong second block class, which was supposed to be American History 2. They got the subject right, the problem was the class itself. IT WAS A REMEDIAL CLASS! Before this happened, I asked one of my favorite teacher, Mr. Cino, who was also my American History 1 teacher, which room I was supposed to go to. Since the schedule I got in August said to go to one room, while the schedule I got in the morning said to go to another room. Mr. Cino KNEW I wasn't supposed to be in that class, but i was confused so I didn't know what I was doing. We went to the guidance office to see if they can fix it, BUT when we get there, there are like 20 other students there fixing their schedules since the guidance office fails -_- So I end up staying in that class for now (Until next week -_-), and I'm so ready to kill myself in that class. ALL of the annoying obnoxious people I don't like are there. And I'm all alone T-T even though I converse with the teachers in the classroom from time-to-time, they also know I'm transferring out ^-^ Onto third block.
Although I love math, I'm not sure whether or not I'll like my math class this year, which is Geometry. And let me tell you, my geometry teacher is REALLY really odd...-_- and not only that, THE CLASS IS PACKED. Literally. Okay, there are like 30 or so desks (which are tables that two people share), and we STILL had people without a desk -_- Then after that ordeal, we had some random quiz, which was to organize EVERYONE into seats by alphabetical by last names. My last name being Koulavongsa (said how it's spelled), I knew for sure that I was gonna be somewhere in the middle. I ended up being in the chair right next to the one I had originally sat in -_-, which was in the 2nd/middle row. The rest of the class we just chilled >_< Onto my last block of the day.
My last and final block of the day is P.E, or GYM, which I'm happy about since it's my last class of the day and I don't have to rush getting dressed XD I'm also happy because lots of my friends are in that class with me. Only thing I find bad about it, is that my class is mixed with freshman, sophomores, and juniors (which is me! XD). And my gym teacher is totally cool, and he's funny ^-^ he told me that we wouldn't be starting anything in class until next week, which made me a happy camper ^-^ Then here's the annoying part -_- I had to go to the bathroom, so I asked Neilio (my gym teacher) if I could go to the bathroom in the locker rooms, and he let me go. I started walking over there and I had to pass the freshman bleachers (the grades had different bleachers to sit on). They DID NOT stop staring at me. I thought it was because of what I was wearing (red skinnies, white v-neck, black vest, and black/white sneakers). So I just ignored them and kept walking, but when I came out, they did it again! Which I found very annoying -_-
Well, that was my day basically, hope tomorrow is better -_- Thanks for reading my uber long rant btw ^-^
Until Next Time,
Date & Time: September 7, 2011 9:30 PM
Listening To: U-Kiss - Neverland


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Wow everyone's Guidance , I thought it was just ours.
My guidance office failed too. I had it set up so I had two core classes per semester, but my offices being the a-hole they are put all for of my core classes together, which results in me getting swamped with so much freaking home work, but I'm glad about one thing...Next semester is going to be easy.
ahhhh, you had a glorious first day like me >.< my guidance fails too, but they don't even let anyone fix their schedules the first day