Application for Snowflake❄

My Application



Username: vainqueen23

Link:  [Click Me :)]

Activeness: 8/10

What should I call you?: Nica


Name: Tae Yeonhee

Nicknames: Yeonnie

Age: 19

Birthdate: June 5, 1993

Languages: Korean, English, Japanese & Mandarin

Place of Birth: Seoul

Hometown: Gangnam-gu

Beautiful My Girl

Height: 167cm

Weight: 45 kg

Ulzzang: Kim Shinyeong

Links:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 56 | 7 8

Back-up ulzzang: Lee Geumhee 

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


Personality: Yeonhee is a Prankster, a Choding, Vain, and a Bratinella, because she's the only daughter so she always gets what she wants. Even though she's like that, she still manage to create friends.

She is very Friendly to those who are nice and good to her but can be very mean and snobbisto those who don't like her and her friends.

Yeonhee is also a big fan of KPOP that is why she try very hard to practice and auditioned to be an Idol.


  • All cute and pink
  • Foods
  • Accesories
  • Dresses
  • Taking ulzzang like selcas
  • Kpop
  • Movies & K Dramas
  • Infinite
  • Perfumes
  • Traveling


  • Insects (Any kind)
  • Haters
  • No money
  • Being ignored
  • Alone


  • Taking selcas
  • Modeling
  • Performing (singing & dancing)
  • Shopping
  • Eating


  • Monologuing
  • Pouting
  • Biting lower lips
  • Aegyo
  • Bossy


  •  Likes to go on cafes and spent the day relaxing.
  •  A Prima Ballerina in Seoul Ballet Academy.
  •  An Ulzzang and a Queenka. 
  •  Use to date L.joe from Teen Top before debut.
  •  Wanted or hoping to make an MV with Infinite H.
  • Personal fanclub name is VainYeon and its color is pink and gold.
  • Use to spend a lot  money.
  • A fangirl of Infinite.

I Got You

Father: Tae HyunOh| 39 | CEO | Strict but very nice to his only daughter, which he calls princess.

Mother: Tae SeoYeon | 37 | Model |Sweet and caring to her family.


Kwon Yuri | Member of SNSD | 23 | known to be the most playful member and the prankster of SNSD | During trainee days. Became the best sunbae for Yeonhee

Kim Hyuna | Member of 4Minute |  20 | She's funny and really an energetic person Meet at a show named Beattle Code

Best friends: Dong Seohyun| 18 | Trainee | Supportive, weird [4D] and talkative We met at SM audition in korea.

Background: Tae Yeonhee is the only daughter of her haft-korean, haft-latino father and korean mother. She is a former trainee at Cube Entertainment but lately she was stopped by her mother because her mother wants her to continue doing ballet in US. Yeonhee came back to Seoul after 1 year competing and doing ballet in the states. After returning to Seoul, she auditioned at SM Entertainment and was accepted on the same day. In SM Entertainment she continued to follow her dreams of becoming a broadway actress and a Kpop Idol.

Up In The Sky

Stage: Yeonhee

Position: Lead vocalist/Rapper/Visual

Back-up position: Lead dancer/Visual/Sub-vocalist

Persona: y Charisma

Fanclub Name: VainYeon

Fanclub Colour: Pink & Gold

How you get into SM?: Yeonhee auditioned for Cube Ent. and became a trainee for 2 years, but she was stopped by her mother and was sent to abroad to continue ballet. After 1 year, she came back and auditioned for SM Ent. The CEO was amazed to her and he wants her to debut withis new girl group.

Trained for: Cube Ent: 2 Years & SM Ent: 2 Years

y Love

Love Intrest: Kim Myungsoo | 20 | March 13, 1992 | INFINITE

Personality: Myungsoo has a cold image, but actually he’s very sweet, caring and dorky. He's pretty quiet in some of the variety shows. He doesn't joke that much, but instead he will the one that laughs the most. He loves to take revenge back. He also doesn't like people playing with their foods during the meal because he finds it disrespectful. He admits to being really stubborn and having temper.. and he actually wishes to change that.

How did you meet: We met at a coffee shop. There's no more seats, so we share the same table

Relationship: Friends (For now...) lately became lovers.

Back-up intrest: Kris Wu | 21 November 6, 1990 | EXO M

Personality: Kris is the leader, main rapper and sub vocal of the group EXO M. He enjoys reading books particularly self-improvement and inspirational. Many people think that Kris is arrogant because of the way he act and the way he looks but the truth and the real fact is that he is really cool and he is an innocent, obedient and naive boy

Relationship: Same as the first. :)

Get Out

Comments: Looking forward to it Author-nim. Wish you could choose my character. ^^

Suggestion: None

Scene Request: Yeonhee will be put to Running Man or WGM..If it's Ok^^



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