snowflake application



Username: jinnie

Link:  x

Activeness: 7/10

What should I call you?: just call me Joo ^^


Name: Moon Hyun Joo

Nicknames: Joo, peanut



Languages:vietnamese, korean, english, japanese

Place of Birth:  sai gon, vietnam

Hometown: saigon, vietnam, then move to seoul when she's 15

Beautiful My Girl

Height: 167 cm

Weight: 51kg

Ulzzang: Byeon Ji young

Links:1   2  3  4 5  6 7 8

Back-up ulzzang: choi haneul


  2 3 4  6


Personality:1) shy at first but then closed, she can be talkative, even quite hot-tempered. she's also a traight person cuz she;s think that's a best way to improve, and she also wants everything to be clear r, so doesn't like people who faked, talk bad-mouth behind someone's back.but Joo's a good listener, care for others and observe a lots so can know things people don't recognize.

2) Joo always want to be an optimist, bring the bright every where she is. can't hate someone for so long if that person apologize or buy her food. but she also cruel enough if necessary so don't mess her. easy to cry and laugh, but very practical as a girl.

3) she always appreciates every day of her life, so always tries her best to achieve her dream, ready to sacrifice for her dream. don't want to depend on people, but really afraid top be alone. think what boys can do, girls can too( of course somethings that's biological ^^), but girls have some rights to, so really hates boys who look down on or not gallant to girls.


  • pororo
  • Dance
  • Exercise taekwondo
  • watching stary sky
  • Greenery
  • Spicy food, sweets, PEANUT.
  • mar levy novel, fashion magazines


  • chicken or any fury anmals
  • narrow, dark place
  • cockcroaches
  • people always think they'r right!
  • liar, play boy
  • being hated
  • Scandals


  • reading classic or advanture novel like Gone with the wind, davinci code ...
  • Watching romance comedy movies
  • Listening to music
  • eating , go shopping with mom or friends
  • playing guitar, harmonica


  • clapping when laughing
  • eating ice cream in winter
  • talking with the characters when watching movies
  • playing with her fingers when nervous
  • Dancing and singing when showering
  • being blank when tired
  • WINK A LOTS ^^

Facts/Trivia: *Extra talents: mv story, calculate fast, playing drum and harmonica( from her dad), know taekwondo, love playing swings at night, can't swim, not good at sport, can be awake at very late but also sleep a lot,if not sleep enough, then she 's in blank expression, some times very sensible when she stresses

I Got You


  • Omma :Joanna Woo; style mom,vietnamese,actually like a friends, 45 years old,chief in a traditional restaurant
  • Appa: Kevin Moon; a trict bussiness man, korean,50 years old,taewondo expert, love thier child so much
  • Jack Moon; an active brother, 10 years old, taekwondochampion,
  • cousin: Moon Joon Woon/ Joo Won:25 years old, actor,  caring, strict but also took part in rebel things with Joo. both practised vocal sometime

Friends:Luna(fx): closed friend in SM from trainees days, kute one but also very reliable

Best friends:Seohyun, teayeon(snsd): modest sunbae, teach her alot about life and music

changmin(dbsk): cast in same CF, partner when she want to rebel ^^

IU, Taemin(shinee), ji yeon(t-ara), sungjong(infinite): in 93-liners, good friends, sometimes go out together but cuz Joo hasn't debut so sometimes she fells uncomfortable. 

Background:was born in Vietnam, then moved to seoul, korea when she's 15. raised well in a happy family but her dad really trict to his children, doesn't like Joo to become a singer, then she went to Sm, dad and her didn't talk for 1 year. Till her grandfather, her favorite in family died when she in Thailand as F(x) back ground dancer, dad called her,then they cried together. As her grandfather's support before he died, her father now fully support her dream and her family happy as old time. 

Up In The Sky

Stage: Genie

Position: Main dancer/vocalist

Back-up position:Lead dancer/visual/sub-vocalist 

Persona: wink machine

Fanclub Name: TellMe

Fanclub Colour: hot pink

How you get into SM?:was scouted when performed in high school prom, but failed in live audition by trainers, a year later, she took Sm contest, won 2nd place in dance and 3rd in sing, so become SM trainee from there.

Before debut: f(x) and TTS back ground dancer, appeared in Shinee hello mv, minor in blonde legally of Jessica, guest in 2 days and 1 night as Joo Won's cousin.

Trained for: 3.5 years

y Love

Love Intrest: Suho exok

Age/D.O.B/Group: 21 22/5/1991 exo k


caring, understanding but can be clumsy and bossy sometime, even though a gentle man and one of the best " boyfriend" model of trainee girls in SM

How did you  first entering Sm, Joo met Suho among trainees, she thought his smile reminded her of her dad's so felt reallty attracted and tried to make friends with him. when all the trainees went to Jeju for a training camp, her 1st birthday far away from home with no one besides, she really miss family but no ones know it's her birthday. at the end of duet dance practise( Joo is Suho's partner)(that's day also her b-day too), Suho gave her a candy just to encouraged Joo but she was really moved.

Relationship: till as good sunbae, always encourage Joo and give her advice/ call each other :Jun oppa - paenut

Back-up intrest: Lay Zhang yi xing

AGE/D.O.B/Group: 21 exo m

Personality: caring, gentle, charming, not talk so much but smile really warm, forgetful all the times ^^

Relationship: good sunbae and hoobae from both were trainees but not closed cuz he's active in China.

Get Out

Comments: hope u like this character, if there's something wrong plz telll me so i can improve my writting ^^


Scene Request: may i have a date or a duet stage or some journey ^^

Password: f(x) girls


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