Writing on AFF... -cries-

Okay, so I know there's like, what, a million (definitely over-exaggerated there... heh) blog posts on how people can't write on AsianFanfics ... but this is just simply beyond ridiculous. Writing isn't just about:

"I like you"


"Uh huh, I do."

"I love you." He kissed her.

Okay, okay, if there's something as bad as that, I'll just sit in a corner and cry hysterically. Yet the amount of stories out there that are monstrously similiar are terrible. I mean, the storyline and plot is alright (just about bearable) but the style of writing just should not exist. I'm not amazing myself of course, I've slowly improved though. I'm not the best out there but I know what's bad and what's good (or just about good enough). I can't stand stories written (typed*) like that (above). You may aswell just type a script and get away with that. Why not write to directors with your stories? They may aswell be scripts! I've repeated this. Who cares? I don't. Back to the point. Please, anyone who can read this, stop. Why not do something like this (NOT LITERALLY, as in... in comparison to the above blue text):

"I like you." She slowly confessed with her heart in . Edging closer to the boy, she felt her body warm up with joy. She had finally managed to tell him. Her face flushed pink and her smile lit up her face.

"Yeah?" The boy replied uncertainly. His voice was shaking nervously and he stared back at the girl. His own face was slowly spreading into a wide smile. He also moved closer towards the girl with his eyes sparkling.

"Uh huh," she whispered. They were now nose-to-nose. The electricity in the air was fierce and firey. "I do." She finished with a smirk on her face. Their eyes wouldn't leave the other pair. They were joined together as one.

"I love you." The boy whispered after  turning his head towards her ear. He heard her body become like a statue; hard and still. He moved his head back and looked back at her face. Her face was scarlet and was unbelievably wide, stretched into a smile with pure happiness. He leaned forward and tilted his head as they passionately kissed intimately.

It just sounds much better and has so much more emotion flowing through it. How sweet does it sound? It sounds better than just the words without the feeling. It's like toast without butter or a house without windows. It's not right and shouldn't happen. (Let's be honest here ladies and gents, what I just wrote above was not amazing. It was... meh.) Okay, so anyway please, stop that nonsense and actually write some shiz rather than a friggin' script.


ANOTHER POINT... Oh Lord, this point...

Is that the amount of repeated, typical storylines out there are so damn frustrating. It's like ... you read something that seems promising and different only for it to fall into cliché. I try my best to avoid this nasty cycle of doom. My stories (that I haven't updated... I've lost my own motivation to write... call it writer's block, whatever, I just ... I don't know) are, I hope, not close to cliché. The one I hate the most is "poor girl, rich boy"... I mean, everyone knows this is repeated a lot, but yeah, it's still stupidly popular. Hell, continue if you're writing something like that, don't let me put you off. If you write it well, those who love fictions like that will come running. I guess I love it sometimes, depends on the writing style and how the plot is revealed. Just please, if you're not 100% confident in your writing, try another angle, do something a little different; unleash your inner skills! If you're typing something it means you must have some kind of wanting-to-write-drive. Another is typical evil school boy and shy, cute schoolgirl... and they fall in love, la di daaaaaa. Typical. We ALL know what's going to happen. Once again if you're making a fan fiction like this please ensure you portray it a little differently. Add a none-cliché dramatic twist. Invent some crazy that can happen. Research it, become part of it, know it, love the idea. I love fictions that do that. It’s just, it gets me every time. I love the twists in the general, typical stories. They’re lovable. And addicting.

Yeah, okay, I know my grammar and punctuation throughout this blog is and there must be a lot of mistakes… but yeah, I know and this isn’t something a lot of people will read, so who cares? NOT ME AHA. I just needed to get this out there. I know I'm better than other people, NOT in a big-headed way, but a literal way. >.< I sound like a dickhead. Oh it, I wanted to get this out there, so... whatever. Bet hardly anyone will read this anyway. I'm cooool.

I don’t know if you call this a rant. BYE.


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