Someone ing hack me!

Really? I got hack..I know... -_- OMG!


I just got in hack!...okok I know I'm only 11 and I already cursing...well I cursed when I'm ing pissed off!...


Seriously..dude who the hell hack me? hurgh!!!! I actually know it since this I have changed my pass... but if  "it" still hack me I'm gonna delete my account -_-


And my writing style soooooo diferent from the hacker....I already have my suspects....

hargh!!!!!!! I dunno what to do now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......


/throws stuff

Note to the hacker!:

Hack me again you are soo in dead! >.< huhu.....



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Omo! So sad! So who's the suspects?
Woah! How did you know you got hacked?
Chill sister!
Who's the suspect! Maybe I'll help!