would it be cool if this happen..? OwO

yeah yeah... its about school, anyone here knows the anime called Another? if u do.. remember the scene when their homeroom tchr commits suicide? and killed himself infront of class? well I DO WiSH THIS WOULD HAPPEN =__= it would be cool~ and plus most tchrs gives us pain by giving us hw.. and did u know.. that once a kid got tons of hw the more depressed the kid gets...

so... yeah... i was like no wonder why i feel depressed when i have hw.. aigo~

i know this may look disgusting but this is wut it looks like in the anime...


yeah i know its gore... a 13 year old girl watched gore... well i've seen worse than that.. since i have watched Happy Tree friends before... >.> and i can be evil at times... .>.>


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Honestly, from my point of view, I'm actually happy that teachers give out homework, even I complain about because I'm not a person who studies so doing my homework is my study time. Plus, some days get really boring when you have no homework and there is nothing to do online
Haha! LOL! It's gross but I really need a break!