What if your ex says this to you? (from Kpop_lovah)

okay, so don't get me wrong, i don't have a boyfriend. Or an ex, for that matter. It just sounded fun, so yeah.



1.Hi! How are you? We haven't talked for a while
- i don't care.
2. You wanna hangout with my peeps and I?
- oh, you have peeps? i'll bet they were brainwashed.
3. I LOVE U..
-  thanks, but no thanks.
4. Do you want some cookies?
- umm... it depends, did you touch them? you did? then no.
5. Let's take a photo together?
- sorry, but i thik your face might ruin the camera.
6. Help me with my homework?
-  do i look like freakin' Google?
7. Here's my gift for you...
- what for? is it my birthday? i don't need it. 
8. Let's just text, arasso?
- will you load me with prepaid credit?
9. Want me to buy you an iPod?
- oh goodie. then i can have something to shove up your nose.
10.Let's sit together in the bus later?
- no thanks, i don't take the bus.
11. Hi baby!
- what? i'm not a baby. but i think you are, a.
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What if your ex says this to you?


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looks like someone's trolling~ =w= xD
hehe~ nice!