Application for Skelegirls

Username: Rockwell


Profile Link: @


Name: Song Min Hi


Nickname: Piglet / Misty / Ninja


Age: 19


Birthdate: July/19/1993


Ethnicity: Chinese Korean


Place of Birth: Tai Po - Hong Kong


Hometown: Tai Po - Hong Kong


Languages: Korean (Average), Cantonese (Fluent), Skulltian (Above Average)


Height: 155 cm


Weight: 42 kg


Blood Type: AB




She is an imaginative person as she enjoys daydream most of the time. She is easily confused when people speak to her too long and is known to say a random more interesting thought to snap herself back into reality. MinHi enjoys looking at male groups and is known to fan girl over a lot of idols at one time. She dislike doing aegyo because it confuses her, so when people ask her to do it she just gives a lost look and tries to imitate the request but in a normal voice.


Easily persuade to do things if offered food or an idol’s autograph. She will talk if asked to but people rather not let her do all the talking as she can’t stay on topic for too long. She is quite mischievous when it comes to it and beware her if she is angry. MinHi can and will easily blackmail someone, which confuses people as they can never guess how she gets the information that she gets, if they bother her or her food.






*Male idols


*Card Games


* Naps




*Street Stands


*Odd Trinkets










*Being Bossed Around


*Cheating if it isn't done by her first




* High Heels


*Noisy People






*Reading Online Fanfics on Idols (secret)


* Dancing Games


* Eating


* Doodling (Her drawings looks like something a 1st grader would draw.)


*Watching TV






* Can Play the Guzheng








*Swinging feet if chair allows it to be possible


* Pouting/Glaring when losing at anything


*Rolling on floor when bored at dorms


*Plays with clothes when bored on air during interview


* Makes lame puns when nervous


Clothing Style:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Notes on clothes:


For #1 it really is mainly the skirt that first her style


For #3 instead of light blue the jacket would be black


For #8 it is the outfit but the dress in blue not pink


Things I should know / Facts:


* Has an extreme phobia with frogs and lizards that few know about


* Beef makes her sick and feverish so she avoids it at all cost


* Can only make ramen, dukbokki, gimbop, sweet potatoes and hotteok perfectly everything else…god bless your soul if you eat it.


* Has a three moles forming a triangle on her right shoulder


* Punches people lightly to show she likes them and consider them a friend.


* Can silence a room when angry


* Won two medals, Silver and Bronze in past gymnastics competition before being scouted




Pre - Debut




Father: Song Kwang Sun, Age: 52


Race: Korean


Known to go with the flow on things, mainly where MinHi gets her odd personality from. Kid’s book author for famous mystery series

Mother: Jin Dongmei, Age: 40


Race: Skulltian


Private Detective, can easily get what she wants and is hard to tell when she lies. 8 months pregnant with future son, JungShi.


Life Background:


Mother came to Hong Kong with her family from their home planet at the age of seventeen to understand the planet better. Because she doesn’t look her age and acts more mature than him KwangSun did know she was twelve years his junior. That or he just didn’t care; no one really knows what goes on in his mind. When Dongmei married him she told him her past and he with some convincing believed her and they gave birth to MinHi a year and a half later.


MinHi figured out she was different from others at the age of five and started learning more on her people from her mother from then on. She takes from both her mother and father’s world and enjoys being different. Luckily she didn’t take her mother’s singing skills...




Idol Life


How you became a trainee:


She was scouted when she still lived Hong Kong at her school’s festival. MinHi was walking around in a traditional Chinese outfit and the talent scout scouted her when he heard her sing a folk song in the play she was in that day. She was then taken back to South Korea and entered the training program.


Trainee Years:


5 years and 7 months


Stage Name:


DiA [short for diamond/ still a diamond in the rough]


Link to what your singing sounds like: Voice


Link to what your dancing looks like: Dance


Rapping sound like (rarely raps as it’s not her position in group): (same skill just use above’s voice) Rapping


Position: Lead Vocalist


Fan club Name: Miners


Fan club Color: Ghost White




Skeltanimal and their personality in a few words:


Lammy the Lamb; Lammy’s favorite scary movie is “The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing.” She just wants to cuddle up in bed and sleep all day. She doesn’t want to play and run around, but rather daydream about floating in the clouds and sleeping. Her motto is, “Whatever happens, happens. Everything will be just fine.”


What were you good for on planet Skulltia?


Wind & Telepathy or rather she can read minds but only through eye contact, can make things float for up to an hour. She mainly uses the wind to pick up on voices and secrets that she can use at a later time for herself as she dislike eye contact most of the time because there are just some things that you don’t need to hear. She isn’t really crazy strong as she is just a halfy.




Ulzzang Name: Yeon Ji Hee




1 2 3 4 5







G.NA. She met her one night when she snuck out for street food. They ordered common things so they decided to talk to each other more once they realized they were both idols and found out they had a ton in common. Since they have similar behavior and personalites they are commonly making fun of each others dazed Korean when they meet. For fanservice they see who has the better Korean vocabulary only to end up with one of them picking a word that neither of them know fluently. They are called the LIK- idols (lost in Korea) because of this.




T-ARA, Ren of NU’EST, Luna of f(x), Soohyun of Ukiss, EunJi of APink




Goo Hara


Why are you guys rivals?:


They really never got along after she read Hara’s mind accidently on how their group must have done ‘favors’ to get where they are. So MinHi usually calls her out on how she doesn’t really sing and is only a pretty (but eevvviiilllll) face.


Your lover/Crush:




How you met :


I would like them to meet along the lines of she smells food on the day of a performance and unconsciously follows it. It doesn’t really look at Himchan as her eyes are mainly on his food. He asks her what does she want causing her to snap into reality and realizes who he is making her back away from him so she can tell the others that BAP is nearby. Himchan not knowing who she is or what she is doing points to his food and offers her it. MinHi eyes go back on the food and slowly walk closer to him and take his offered food before running away. He finds her behavior almost like a stray animal which cause him to think of her a cute and amusing.


Your lover’s personality?


(Weird how his personality matches his blood type to a t from what I have seen) responsible, decisive, organized, objective, rule-conscious, and practical... Interestingly. He is more detail and fact oriented, logical, precise and orderly than others would think.
The social butterflies. Often popular and self-confident, he is very creative and always seem to be the center of attention. He makes a good impression on people and as he is quite attractive (>__> couldn't help it) . Organized, determined and stubbornness will helps him reach his goals. He is intuitive, focused, self-reliant and daring. Handles stress better than others. He does have a bit of a possessive side when he grows attached to something. MinHi can never look at his aegyo with a straight face.




What shows would you like to see skelegirls on?


The Romantic and Idol, Radio Star, Running Man, Dream Team, Immortal Song 2


Who would you like to do a collab with? Supernova



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