Reading supplements: Moonkyu

As I was writing the next few chapters to my new Kai story I realize that there might be some people who don't know who Moonkyu is or what he looks like. It might be important too, seeing as he's the secondary male lead and all XD okay, well, readers, if you don't know who Moonkyu is, he is a former SM trainee who is best friends with Kai and Taemin. Not quite sure what happened to him, but what I read and hear going around the fandom is that he left the company after being replaced with Baekhyun in EXO-K. Here are a few pictures of him, too. 

idk, I think he's really handsome 


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SM Has so many trainees, why would anyone replace someone? Or did he have a bad relationship with Baekhyun?
Oh wow. I didn't hear about the 'Being Replaced by Baekhyun' Rumor. That, if it was true, must have seriously bummed him out.. I heard he trained for quite a few years.
AGREED HE REALLY IS HANDSOME@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Do you know his real age? andddd. HE LOOKS SO TALL LIKE SEHUNNIE ><
Awww too bad. T^T Baekhyun must be really lucky to be in EXO-K when he trained in less than a year ><
I hope to see Moonkyu debut in future! >_<
I feel bad for him. ._.
He's actually my bias during the M1 era. I really thought he's going to debut with EXO. T^T
In the first pic he kinda looks like Sehun