I'm starting to get ideas~!

...For another fanfic. :D

Actually, I've been thinking about this for a while, it's just that I'm only starting to write down my ideas now. XD This one shall be completely different from my last one! ... Kinda. XD

It's still SHINee. But this isn't a o one-shot that centers on Onew.

This will be a:

  • No-more-than-PG-13 tale (PG-13 for violence and minor swears).
  • Many chapters.
  • Action/adventure.
  • And will involve all 5 SHINee guys! ^__^
  • The theme is fantasy. :D

Basic idea: SHINee is a band of adventurers, Final Fantasy-/DnD-style. ^__^ A main quest shall be issued to them, and I will chronicle their journey~ They will also have special tasks they must, as individuals, complete.

I already have their classes (mostly) figured out (not telling who is what class yet, though! ;D). My bf is gonna help me come up with the plot~ He's a great DM for DnD. :D

I'll probably include cameos by my other favorite K-Pop idols~ 8D

But I need to not do what I usually do with my multi-chapter fics:

  • OMG, I finished ch.1! I MUST POST THIS NOW!
  • YAY, ch.2 is done! POST POST POST.
  • Uh... where the hell was I going with this fic again...?
  • Fic dies a horrible, forgotten death.

I'm actually gonna try to get all the main plot points (and important side-stories) set before I even start writing this time. Wish me luck! XD

(Originally posted to my tumblr. Still not sure why I didn't post this on here before... XD)

Thank you so much to everyone who read my first fic, commented, and subscribed! <3 Much love to you all~



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