school of talent and magic aplication


AFF username: MulticultureINSPIRIT
Character's name: Crystal Matsua 
Nickname/s: Yume(meaning dream) perfer this most with friends. and Jagiya(by my partner only)
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 02/20/95
Place of birth: San Francisco, ca
Family members: Yuya Masuta,  (25)brother {JPOP IDOL}. , he was my mom, brother and dad in one, so we're ultra close, he also the second person who understands me
(can be idols)
Family background when i was 4, my parents left me in my older brothers care,so they wiped my memories of them, as i grew up in his care only i learned about my parent so,  at first i thought they didn't love us, but they had to leave or we would have gone through  worster things then we went thorugh growing up, we know we were different, but we stuck together resulting in the girl who i am now. i can't really recall my parents but i know that they love us, and that they helped us when we needed it the most
Nationality: Korean/japanese/American 
Languages: English,Japanese, korean, sign 
Style: i wear anything comfy and i can move around in but, it has to be cute, something like these: 
Personality  I'm a girl, who very sweet and caring or so i hear, i get scared easily when it comes to meeting new people, but that because i don't trust easily, you has to earn my trust, before I show you my fun, dorky, random, childish side, so only a few people know the real me. i'm a hard worker, who tries her best not to let anyone down, so i think of someone else before, I actually think of my self because i don't wan to hurt anyone. I hate when people cry, because it pulls at my heart. I very serious when it comes dancing and reading. I kinda mean when i first wake up and i'm crazy when i'm sleepy.  i don't like when people look down on me because, my brother rasied me and i can't remember my parents well
Reading books
learning new spells,
day dreaming of lee sungjong
cute things
being alone
getting hurt by the one she loves
hurting people
Talents: Playing piano, clarinet, violin, ballet, dancing, i could be a sub vocal, with my singing
What part of the group? the maknae (i'm kinda confused about this did i do it right) 
persona: Peace keeper and dreamer
Hobbies: Training wolves and other animals. watering my secret garden, that he gave to me. Dancing(ballet,hiphop), can piano, clarinet and violet
Trivia:  can learn how to play any instrument by touching once, can talk to animals and plants 
Power/s or magic/s : contronling nature, healing people, hearing people truth thoughts and feelings, controling elements depending on my mood. controling people with my thoughts
How did you get your powers: i was born with it i got half of my moms and dads powers, which i didn't ask for it
How much of your powers can you use: 100%, but i only use half of it, so that way i won't hurt anyone, and when i get mad it comes out by accident 
Partner: Lee sungjong(INFINITE)
Age of partner and birthdate: 18 9/3/93
Relationship with your partner: for sungjong(fated to be together since the begining, boyfriend)
(for the 3 okay?) confused here sorry
How did you meet: when  i was 10 years old, we met when i was crying, because i was alone anod in the dark, plus a thunder storm was occuring, so i was really scared because, it was right after the kidnapping occuried and accident happen. So as i was crying, sungjong must've heard me, because the next thing i knew, i was in a garden. "Welcome to my garden, your lucky, your the first person, and actually the first human" he beamed as he wiped my tears with his bright smile, as he sat next to me. "i'm not human, you should leave me alone" i said weakly "well i'm not either, so we're the same, ah i'm lee sungjong" he beamed. "i'm crystal Matsua" i weakly smiled. "that's pretty, so what happen crystal, why were you crying" sungjong said as he hugged me.  "because i'm a killer" i sobbed. "no you just protected yourself that all " he said hugging me. "i'll protect you from now on okay, i promise" he said kissing my forehead causing me to see his memories and he saw mines. "your only 10, but you so brave, your amazing crystal, i really like you" he said hugging me tighly. "oppa, your old" i laughed "yeah, but i'm a cutie" he beamed. "crystal-ah your my jagiya, from now on in a friendly way I mean" he blushed and with that we became close friends up until we had to go to different schools
his powers: wiping peoples memories, maniulating their emotion and past memories, teleporting himself and people. see peoples memories by touching them or making contact, and understanding animals also healing plants
talents: singing and dancing, he can act really diva-ish, can play 
  he a really sweet and caring person, just don't get on his bad side, or he'll act extremely harsh and cold to you, he act that well with people  he first meets sometimes too. he actually really gentle with people feelings, he hates when people underestimates him, he won't let anyone get away with lying to him about anything, one thing he hates the most is a lier
 images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWqpGwVukGh1qznP00PtX (BTD Look)
About your school
Which school? 
 Amethyst Academy
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