2012 Fic Meme

Total Word Count: 10,408

Total Word Count Last Year: ~11,800

Best Fic: Maye Bed

Most Underappreciated Fic: Silence maybe? lol

Most Fun Fic: Lab Partners

iest Fic: Sweets ._.

Fic that Shifted My Own Perceptions of the Characters: Kasumi 

Fic I'm Most Proud of: Kasumi :D

Biggest Disappointment: Sleeping Habits

Biggest Surprise: not sure

Hardest Fic to Write: Sleeping Habits

Fic I Want Remembered: any one of them that people liked. hahaha

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?: Less!! :< Not sure why. ? Oh well.  But then again, I didn't really predict much

Goals for Next Year: Finish everything i have in my notebooks. hahaha +bed & hurts


Fic I Wrote in 2012: 






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why don't u like sleeping habits... i love it!!! but my fave is kasumi...