
Hello :(

Sorry, final edits for the YongGuk are going to be put on a little bit of a hold. My bf's ankle is really acting up (he hurt it at a job a few years ago, and now it's not letting him walk on it) so we have to go to a doctor in Ohio, where he's originally from since Indiana doesn't cover him. So a two hour trip is emergency planned for today. Then we might have to stay/he might have surgery so I don't know when I'll really be on my computer much less internet :( 

But like I say, I will try my hardest, within reason. 

Maybe later I can find time to, all I have to do is finish the first edit/flesh it out, make sure tenses are right, final edit, read out, minor edit and then hopefully done. Sounds like a lot but it's really not, the worst part is the first edit.

I just don't like sending out stuff that isn't my best, hopefully people notice that. 

But thank you all for reading and liking my stories, I hope I can continue to provide you with entertainment! 

=See you later :)



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i hope your bf gets better!