Define; love.


       Ghosting lips, silhouettes of figures, silent pleas. Life goes on yet you're not moving. Regret, hate, sadness and guilt all staring you down. Some how, among it there is still love. Shyly accompanied by hope and bliss.
Maybe this is what people want, bitter sweat endings just so we can cry over the memories.
You watch them, feel them, hear them. Its a heavy feeling...that settles in your heart. It sits there mocking your very existence because its as heavy as air. It floats in your chest, and steals your breath away. It catches your words in your throat, and it stirs the butterflies.
It is what makes you act with out thinking. It's what makes you stop in your tracks. Love.
You watch as it comes and goes, a mixture of joy and dull colour and smoke when it fades. 
Maybe that's just how we were meant to live. You'd find your happiness and then it would blow you away. Like a breath of bitter icy air in the winter, it sends you falling through time. You find yourself old and tired and just plain sick of everything. 
It's so rare for things to work out right, but people still try. Maybe you'll keep trying too. Because you love them.
Soon life is nothing more then pushing on, and falling back down again. Following their every move, trying everything to save them. You don't know from what, but you need to protect them. 
You rely on those bitter sweat moments when you feel loved and comforted, because you know they'll come again. But there's always that wait until the warmth comes back and until then...there's nothing but that cold, dark emptiness that wraps you up. It fakes comfort in the night, and whispers tempting lies to you.
Loneliness comes and goes, but it is never really gone. It just waits for you in the shadows.
Rain falls, seasons change and before you know've been chasing after nothing for far too long to regret it, or turn back. 
Love is a sick, blinding thing that smiles at you sweetly with a sadistic glint hidden just out of view. This is life. This is what you endure. 
If only you could chose who to love, maybe this endless cycle of pain and hope wouldn't be so bad.
Because Anterograde tomorrow.


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*SOBS* brigi waeeeeee