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{ Me, Myself and I

Username : smileyninja

Nickname : Sara : )

Activity Rate :

Laptop / PC : 9.8 (does that count?) I love my laptop and that .2 that I’m not using it, I must be seriously away for it…or dead…lol

Mobile : 10! I use it all the time, every day! Haha

{ Hello, I Am...

Name : Lee Eun Song

Birthdate : 03/06

Age : 18

{ I Am every single wayy~ cause words can't bring me downn~ no they won't bring down TODAYYY~ sorry it just popped up xD

Ulzzang : Park Hyo Jin

Back-Up Ulzzang : Jung Roo

Height : 168cm

Weight : 52kg

{The Long or the Short of It

Personality :

What am I like?

Hmmm...I’d say I’m outgoing and not shy to make new friends and meet new people. Heck I’ll be the first to start to a conversation. Maybe I can’t trust everyone I meet but I’m grateful for those that I know I can trust on. I was taught by my brother to try and make the best out of every situation, so you may call me stubborn I don’t care I’ll keep moving on without giving up. I try to keep my problems to myself, because I feel like I’m troubling others by telling them about it. I was told to be stronger and that’s what I’m working on. I may hurt easily but that still won’t stop me. If it’s for someone I deeply care about, mark my words I’ll go passed my limits for them. Call me names, beat me up, heck I’ll even swallow my pride and dignity for them. I’m really that stubborn haha. I like having a good time and enjoying myself. I honestly try not to judge because if they are a certain way, they must have a reason for it right? If that makes me naïve so be it. I give everyone a chance, until you betray me. Then my trust and respect for you is completely gone and that’s when I become super cautious around you.

I’ll admit I’m quite clumsy on my feet, but what can I do! I was born this way sheesh. As I mentioned before I hurt easily but I swallow it up, because I don’t like crying in front of others, but hey I’m no alien so of course sometimes I just can’t help it. What I don’t like is being seen weak for being a GIRL! Then I get mad and will do anything to prove you wrong. Unlike a lot of people I know I like to wake up early. Even if I sleep late I like waking up early. Maybe something is wrong with me..LOL..I like being active and awake! WHOOO!

Background :

After being born Daegu, I was also raised in there, along with my older brother YongSeok who was 5 years older than me. Growing up I was always overshadowed by my brother, but even I admired him. My parents were both business people so they always working. Since they’d worked so much YongSeok would usually be the one to take care of me. I had tons of fun with him though so I didn’t mind. In school I was an average student, and joined the tennis team. I would always try to be friendly with my classmates because I never liked being alone. After my brother went to college I barely saw him, so every chance we got to see each other we’d spend a whole day together. I was in my final year of high school right before the apocalypse began. It was suppose be the best year of high school and so far it wasn’t that bad. I was just getting over an Ex-boyfriend and having fun hanging out with my friends. I had been accepted to college and everything was going just fine. I was finally prepared to graduate and take on my future. That is until that unexpected day came, and now I have something new to prepare for.

Apocalypse Story :

During the Apocalypse I was with my older brother YongSeok waiting to board the subway so we could spend a day in Seoul. Before the subway came, it had struck and people were running all over the place. My brother grabbed my hand and took me to an out of order restroom near the corner and hid me in one of the stalls. Suddenly he took out a pocket knife and handed it to me. He told me not to ask him about it and told me to be strong and stay quiet. He hugged me one last time, kissed my forehead, and left. I stayed put for about a day and a half before I felt like I could come out. I made sure there wasn’t anything outside before stepping out on the restroom. I saw many dead citizens, cops, kids, and even my brother. I dragged him back to the rest room and there I cried my eyes out. I stayed there, afraid and alone, and occasionally going out to see if there was any food in trash or in peoples abandoned belongings. I even took a gun from a dead cop.

Likes :

  • Long Showers
  • Spicy Noodles
  • Solving puzzles/riddles like rubik's cube
  • Sports like Tennis and Volleyball
  • Waking up early to see the sun raise
  • Dogs!! :3
  • Watching Movies

Dislikes :

  • Reading big books *sigh*
  • Getting Needle freakin shots asjdflfadh
  • Being put down because I'm a GIRL!! >.< Girls can do anything boys can do, BUT we can do it in heels!!...well some can.......and than there are those who can' me.....haha..Mulan is on right Im feeling that girl power!!
  • Thunder
  • Lightning

Hobbies :

  • Climbing up to high places
  • I use to like taking pictures when I had a camera
  • Eatttingggg~ Its a new hobbie! I cherish every moment that I get to eat foooooodd~ and I Luv it!!!
  • Listening to Music
  • Learning any new techniques....I like learning new things....even small things.

Habits :

  • I tend to pull out my gun or knife by reaction when sneaked up on
  • I admit I make a fuss when I'm picked up forcefully
  • Making a fist when I get mad, so I don't burst and say something I'll regret

Fears :

  • Big insects because they are freakin CREEPY looking! >.<
  • Seeing people die right in front of my eyes.....I'm afraid I'll have to see that one day
  • NEEDLES!!!..those things are sharppppp >.< that's why I use to take allergy pills instead of allergy shots when I accidentally ate mushrooms...

Trivia :

  • I'm highly allergic to mushrooms
  • I'm also a huge fan of Song Joong Ki <3
  • I tend to have great stamina and eye-coordination because I played fot my high school's tennis team
  • I'm probably the WORST cook on this planet!! .......seriously....*sigh*
  • Oh and I don't know how to dance....*sigh* im clumsy with footwork......

Favorites :

  • My favorite color is Greeeeeeen~
  • My uh favorite city in South Korea is Seoul
  • My favorite song right now is B1A4's Only One

{ All Around the World


I was born in Daegu, South Korea


Daegu, South Korea


{ Every Woman to Herself!

Main Weapon : The hand gun she found by the dead cop when she was hiding in the subway.


Off-Hand Weapon : A small Pocket knife that was given to her by her brother before he died.

{ Lost and Found

Found By

Kim Jong In, but Do Kyung Soo was down in the Subway as well.

Location :

I was found down in the subway restroom where I had been hiding. He seemed to have been down there with Kyung Soo to stack up on anything, when he heard me in the rest room.


When I was found, I was afraid so I had a gun pointing at him. I had my face full of dried up tears, and kept demanding he tell me who he was and what was happening, but he was kept quiet, before calling Kyung Soo.

Willingness :

When the other guy showed up they told me to calm down and explained that they were survivors. I hesitated leaving my dead brother and the safety of that rest room but I finally asked them to take me with them.

{ I Love You!

Love Interest : Kim Jong In of course :3 haha


How well do you get along? :

Honestly I don’t get this guy! We’ve actually gone to the same high school but were never really friends. We might have run into each other once but that doesn’t mean we know each other. I get that we are still strangers and it can be awkward, but with this guy, it can be so hard to even talk to him! I honestly feel like he hates my guts at times, but then he’ll turn 180 degrees all the sudden and be nice. I can never understand what he’s thinking. When I thanked them for letting me go with them, all he did was knod and walk away. I honestly feel a certain safety feeling and honestly more protected when he’s around. It could be because he was the one who found me, but I’m unsure. I want to get to know him more but every time I try I get pushed away. We tease each other and sometimes have disagreements. Sometimes he makes me so mad with his attitude but in the end I can’t seem to give up. I don’t know why I even try but I can’t help it.

Do you like him at first? : No

If no : I didn’t like him at first because when he found me all I was thinking of was who on earth he was and if I should shoot him or if he could help me. He didn’t talk much and his attitude wasn’t like the others so I didn’t like him at all. I saw him as someone who thought he was better than everyone else. He seemed that way to me because he kept everything to himself! If he hated my guts I wanted to know!

Does he like you at first? : Sadly No.....*sigh

If no : That guy didn’t like me at first because he looked at me as an annoying tag along girl. He thought I would hold them back, because I wasn’t all that tough as others. He was confused because he never seemed to have met someone who wouldn’t give up trying to befriend him. That confused him so he’d give my confused looks that to me looked like glares.

Who falls first? : I do like suprises! *wink wink* haha

{ I Love You Too!

Love Interest : Lay


How well do you get along? :

Um..what can I say, we are strangers, and it’s still kind of hard to get to know him because he’s really quiet and reserved. He and I can sometimes agree on things but other times we have two completely different take on things. I admire him for being optimistic, but not for his physical strength. It annoys me that I can never seem to know what he’s thinking. We can be neutral but there are times when he honestly gets on my nerves and when I get on his. He sometimes makes it very clear that I bug him.

Do you like him at first? : Nahhhh ;)

If no : When I first met him, he was really quiet. Every time I talked to him he’d keep conversations short and not say much. I sometimes got annoyed because he wouldn’t say much. It was hard to befriend him.

Does he like you at first? : Nahhh.... *sigh*........

If no : He initially thought I was too curious and was annoyed that I was always trying to know what he was thinking.

Who falls first? : again, I do like suprises ;) *wink wink* haha

{ I'm Not Going to Let You Go That Easily.

✻ Comments / Suggestions? :

Um I wrote it in first person, is that ok? If not I don’t mind going back and changing it to third person. If anything else is wrong please let me know. :)

This is a really interesting story, I’ve seen only a small portion of the Walking Dead so I honestly don’t know that much about it. I do like the story line, it’s just that it’s the zombies popping out and amazing graphics that makes me jump. Hahaha

Soooo how is your day going??

Password :

Exo K Bias: Kim Jong In ...hehehe

Exo M Bias: Yi Xing.... I honestly had a hard time choosing from this group but I made my final decision :3 hahaha


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