Scarred Souls ☠ Application



Personal information

 Username: Kimjade


AFF profile link:


Email: [email protected]




Character basic information


Name: Song SaeByeok


Nickname: Dawnie (SaeByeok means dawn in Korean)


Age: 24


Birthday: 21 April


Height: 165 cm


Weight: 45 kg


Blood type: O


Horoscope: Taurus


Nationality: Korean/American


Hometown: Seoul



Korean (fluent)
English (fluent)
Japanese (conversational/business)
Mandarin (learning)






Picture URLs:



Name of ulzzang: Do Hwe Ji


Fashion sense: A laid back style but one of playful, flirty fun. Long sleeves and layers are preferred.

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 style7.jpg image by jadeicewolf 





Personality description: In one word, complicated.

I get angry and my head becomes fuzzy, there’s a haze that makes me lose sight on everything around me. I curse and yell, become red in the face and short of breath. It’s an ugly side to me that I’m sad to say is there. But, it only comes out in front of one person. The only person, who has done so much to me, hurt me beyond measure that I become something I totally hate. But he’s not around anymore, so I haven’t lost it in a long time. I’m beginning to feel somewhat like a normal human again, if you can actually define ‘normal’ that is.

I tend to forget things easily, letting most troubles just roll off my back. I find it too tiring to hold onto things like hate or discord so I just brush them off. I’ll forgive and forget, unless you embarrass me in front of a lot of people. Then I will dislike you forever. And trust me when I say, I can hold a grudge for a long time.

Other than that, I’m pretty easy to get along with. I have a witty, sarcastic humor that most might take offence to, when actually I’m just speaking my mind. I don’t really care to filter out what I say around those that know me well. Around new people, or ones I want to impress I don’t really talk. I just stand there and can be pretty shy. I have a fear of being dismissed or hated on first impression so I try to just fade into the background. I’m unconfident in that way.

In a sense, I am always looking to find myself. I really think about who I am as a person and what I can do to be better. Not as angry at myself for things that I cannot change. I am always thinking. If at times I seem in a daze that is what I am doing. I will ponder things until I think I am going crazy and have to shake myself out of it and run off to play a game or write or just do something that will take my mind off of my thoughts for a while. And, I am lonely. Even in a crowded room I feel alone, so that I daydream some knight in shining armor will come and sweep me away and I will finally feel whole and at peace. Well it’s a stupid dream anyway. But that’s who I am, and I will make no excuses.


Background: At an early age I realized it did no good to rely on another person for my own wellbeing.  Parents were there to help you, teach you about the world and how to function in it well, right? Well, I only figured that out after attending high school. Yes, my parents did none of those things. We moved around a lot when I was a child. We lived in big houses, where I had my own room, and little houses where I had to bunk with my older Brother. We lived a strange life of dispassion and hurtful words. My Father was a man who had little patience and no intention to try and understand his family. It was his way or no way and if you disobeyed or strayed out of those lines, you were made to fear him. My Mother was submissive to his every whim. To the point she wouldn’t even comfort her own children when they were hurt if he called for her. She always deferred to him and his wants.

We weren’t poor, poor, but we never wore a brand name, or went shopping just because. It was always a treat to get a gift on a birthday or at Christmas. Most of the time it was things one needed though, like clothes. But, that’s okay, it taught us not to take the world lightly, or things for granted. The worst was not being allowed to follow your dreams though. My brother wanted to dance; he was good at it, great even. He wanted to make a name for himself, but Father said no. So he went into the military and did his duty. After that he moved away, and worked to fulfill his dreams without our parents’ permission.  I hardly ever saw him again after that.

My dream was to be a musician, a performer, but yet again I was told no way. Never the less my Mother paid for me to have piano lessons with a lady that lived behind my school. Music was my only respite from life. I taught myself how to play the guitar and had violin lessons in high school. An old lady that lived alone down our block took me in and taught me how to play the traditional Haegeum (a vertical two stringed traditional Korean instrument, kind-of like a violin). I doubt my Father even knew about the lessons.

My Mother was my friend and confidant for a long time. I felt I could tell her everything and she would never hate me and always love and support me.

Then my parents divorced. My Father moved away to the country to live in his Father’s house and we fell apart. My Mother me and I lost the only friend I had ever known. She would no longer care about my problems she no longer wished to be burdened with a child, so I had no one to lean on.

Mother works two jobs now and dates a different man every other week. She has never let me into her heart again after my Father left. She changed so completely. I feel obligated to take care of her now and try to send her money to make life easier. Because I feel that she thinks I ruined her life by being born. After my Grand Father died, my Father took over for him and worked himself into an early grave, never having re-married; he always told me he still loved my Mother. He died still loving her and she wouldn’t even go to his funeral service. I forgave him for my childhood; before he passed but still I feel guilty I wasn’t there for him in his last moments. I have his ashes with me and will always honor them. My brother found a lovely woman to marry, that my Mother hates, and they are very happy with each other, proclaiming them-selves soul mates. Unfortunately they cannot have any children. I love my sister as if she were blood and send them whatever I can to help them out in their lives. They support my dreams 100% even while my Mother scoffs at my choices.

I have no other family so I must take care of them.





•The traditions and traditional instruments of Korea

•Her brother

•The smell of fresh strawberries

•Elders (they have a lot to say)

•Water (drink, swim, play I love it all)

•Playing pop songs on the traditional instruments

•Reading/writing/learning (they all go hand in hand)

•Different languages and cultures (I'm fast at learning them too!)



•People that talk badly about her family

•Cigarette smoke

•The smell of hospitals

•Harsh winds (unless she is in one of her ‘moods’)

•Vain/prideful people that put others down because they think they are better than anyone

•Spiders (or any bug that jumps out at me for that matter)

•Clowns (they are just freaky man)

•Obnoxious/rude kids


•Dirty dishes (eww)

•Over cooked broccoli

•Being interrupted continuously




•Writing songs/composing music

•Playing weird songs and popular music on my Haegeum

•Learning dance choreography from anyone who will teach their steps

•Painting landscapes/sketching nature

•Swimming to keep in shape and increase my stamina



•Twirls my hair around my finger, making it curl into spirals at my temples

•Stretching back really far to pop my back

•Randomly singing the songs that pop into my head or making up songs of whatever I’m doing

•Bite my thumbnails

•Stick the tip of my tongue out when writing or drawing


Trivia: (These are 100% me, not just the character. I like to personalize my apps)

• I am always cold no matter the temperature. If the air conditioner is on I will be wearing a shawl or a long loose sleeved shirt or light baggy sweater.

• I get anemia during ‘that time’ of the month and I will be listless and tired. I get very crabby during this time and my temper sparks easily even when I’m trying to be nice I will snap and change into a growling, hissing entity in the blink of an eye. People tend to stay well away from me around this time and let me sleep more, and give me more red meat to replenish my loss.

• I secretly strangle people in my mind if I don’t like them (and sometimes even when I do) while outwardly I am smiling at them, not letting them on to it.

• I have a sharp wit and a sarcastic sense of humor.

• I have a bad memory until music comes on, then I can remember every lyric to the song.

• I don’t eat chocolate until it’s ‘that time’ of the month. Then I crave it madly.

• I dislike chocolate chip cookies. I prefer macadamia nut and white chocolate cookies.

• I love the smell of fresh strawberries so much that I will stand in the produce section of the supermarket and sniff the packages. I hardly eat them though, which is strange even to me…

• I don’t like church people. If they keep asking me to go with them I get mad. I believe, I just don’t like going to church. I think they just want money for the church. Most preachers I know don’t even try to follow the bible. I’d rather believe in what I believe and send thanks for all the little things I experience, like the breeze and the smell of flowers, the sound of the leaves rustling in the wind and the song of birds overhead.

• I’m naturally spiritual and don’t care too much about material things. But I would like to make money to give to my Mother to make her life easier for once and to my Brother as well. I want to donate to charities and help in any way I can.







Song Dae Geum (Deceased) – Father; a stout man who never let his kids get away with anything. He was a stern man who didn’t believe in sparing the rod. He would take up for his kids in front of others and keep them from trouble if they did wrong, but he would beat them afterwards and make them go to bed without dinner. He ignored his family a lot. Never home to see to things, the raising of the kids fell to their Mother. He passed away while living with his younger brother and his family.

Kang Eun Mi (56) – Mother; (Korean/American) a stern woman who lived her life working. She gave everything for work and the home, never letting her children go to school looking poor or rumpled. She became bitter after all those years of getting nothing in return. She refuses to take care of her children now that they are out of the house and doesn’t listen when they tell her the man she is dating isn’t good for her. She gossips too much about others and smokes too much, which keeps SaeByeok from going home much at all. She is more concerned with what the neighbors think of her than with her own children. She disapproves of SaeByeok becoming an idol because of that. Her two jobs are, running a small restaurant and delivering clothing from the drycleaners to the more upscale neighborhoods.

Kevin Song (27) – Brother; a fun loving man who cares for his little sister a lot. He is always pushing her to do her best and telling her she is great. He fully supports her decisions in life and when he doesn’t he calmly tells her why. The siblings have never had a fight like normal brothers and sisters do because they are hardly ever around each other for long. He was a wanderer in the past and couldn’t settle anywhere for long until he met Lisa, an American studying at Korea National University of Arts. He attended the School of Dance, she the Interschool Division. They grew close in a short amount of time and soon began dating. After he graduated, Kevin married Lisa against his mother’s wishes and they moved to a loft overlooking downtown Seoul. He is now a sub choreographer/dancer for SM Entertainment artists. Lisa teaches English to young children at the local language institute. They have recently found out they can’t have children.  



키위  Kiwi
I got him from the local shelter before they put him down.  He’s just a baby now, but likes to hide in my hair if I am sitting on the sofa reading. He always sneezes right by my ear, lol.



◙Best friends:  If there was one besides Dara and GD I’d have to say Onew, because he treats me like I am family and no matter what, they won’t betray me.


◙Idol friends:
•Lee Soon-Kyu (Sunny) SNSD

•Lee Hyuk Jae (Eunhyuk) Super Junior

•Kim Heechul Super Junior

•Lee Taemin SHINee

•Lee Jin Ki (Onew) SHINee

I met all the SM entertainers from when I trained with them. I still keep in touch with them all and we are still good friends even though I am no longer with their company. My Brother works with them as well so we are all good friends. I get along with most everyone from these groups; the ones named are the ones I am really close to.

•Kwon Ji Young (G-Dragon) Big Bang

•Choi Seung Hyun (T.O.P) Big Bang

•Kang Daesung Big Bang

•Park Sandara (Dara) 2NE1

•Park Ji Yeon (Gummy)

I met all the YG artists while working there and hit it off with them all. They are a fun group to hang out with and I am glad I can count them as friends. Dara is my closest girl-friend while GD and I are something close to more. I can talk to Daesung about anything but since he is dealing with his own problems right now, I support him to the fullest and visit him often to keep his spirits up. TOP is just my goof buddy. We play pranks on Sungri and Taeyang all the time, and have even gotten Se7en too. ;p


◙Idol crushes/Boyfriends: Kwon Ji Young (G-Dragon) Big Bang

We meet at YG and hit it off. Our personalities just clicked and we are able to hang out with each other comfortably and our friendship is smoothly turning into love. He is sweet and caring and we just ‘get’ each other. There are always butterflies in my tummy around him when he smiles or touches my hand.


◙Idol you will end up with: Kwon Ji Young


• Jessica Jung SNSD

•Choi Siwon Super Junior

They are both snobby people who I dislike and Jessica dislikes me too. Siwon asks me to go to church with him all the time and I don’t like it. He doesn’t listen to me when I tell him why and we argue most times than not when we are together. Heechul and I liked to gang up on him, but it’s a little lonely now that Heechul has gone into the army. Jessica has never liked me and I can’t stand her. We knew each other from when I was training with SM. She sees me as someone moving in on her territory and I am just not like that. So we glare and snarl at each other, but never in front of anyone else.




Idol life


Stage name: SaeByeok or Dawn



•Glittering Charisma

•The Flame


Subgroup:  Either one, I’ll let you pick! :)


 ○Trainee years:  4 years and 29 days

I trained with SM Entertainment for 3 of those years in preparation for another girl group but was upset with the company’s treatment of their talents. So I left there and trained with YG for another year.
Those times at SM were hard and the relentless practice made every one short tempered. There were fights and chairs thrown, but we always made up in the end because we all had the same dream and we were there for the same things. It made us work hard. We ran a lot to build stamina, we strained our voices to perfect our tones and we pulled muscles while dancing full out every time. There were rivalries between some of the trainees, but in the end our seniors would make us apologize to everyone and then we would have to clean the building for the next three weeks, from the bathrooms to the offices and practice rooms. We were put on diets and ran ragged. After leaving there and training with YG I realized that making it to the top required dedication and worked hard to accomplish my goals. So we could become the idols we dreamed about becoming, and reaching the top, we all worked hard and did our best.  


◙ Individual Fan club Name:  Sparks

◙ Individual Fan club Color: White/Sapphire blue  



•Electric violin & main vocalist
•Bassist & Jack of all trades


Trained for: Composing, Singing, Acting, and MC training


Other talents:

I can Dance like this:

I can sing like this:

I am very flexible and can do acrobatics.

I can draw really well

I can write a novel if I'm given enough time, I'm very creative.

I write poetry on rainy days.


Other jobs:  In the past to reach my goals and support myself I had to work at café’s and waitress restaurants. I watched the neighborhood children and did many odd jobs, so I am well equipped to take on a lot.






Song recommendation:  Step - Kara


Anything else:  I respect my elders and always defer to them when they give me advice. They have lives longer than I so of course they know a little more than I would. I humor them sometimes if they are suffering from dementia, because no one else does listen then and it makes them feel better.

I don’t talk to children as if they are stupid because I know for a fact children are pretty aware of everything that goes on around them. They just get disregarded because they are children. So I talk to them the way I would to anyone. I do dislike the snooty little brats though, if they act like snooty little brats. I can’t stand spoiled children that throw temper tantrums and will tell them the devil will come up and snatch them for being so hateful. I have a mean streak like that.

I love nature, and can get lost in the sounds, devoid of traffic and smog. A fresh breeze will always cure what ails me. The sound of it in the trees is like music to me. I love thunderstorms especially. They drive away all thoughts and make me feel more in balance with the world because they reflect my mood most of the time. 


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