'duck face forevermore

  Ain't that one heck of an uncreative title? OTL

So, the reason of this major fail of a blog is to let you know, not that anyone cares, that I have a dilemma. A huge one! I have 500 friends here on AFF. Some of them are from the first days here on AFF. Some of them were randomly added. Some randomly added me. But the thing is that *sigh* very few of these 500 friends of mine actually talk to me. Or comment on my blogs or let me know that they're still alive... and I... I don't want to have countless friends without one to really care about me. I want a small number of people that I know I can count on anytime. Yes, maybe I don't trust people in real life, but I trust my friends here... *sigh* And another one: should I put my profile on 'friends only'? O.o... *sigh* I really have no life^^'







                                                 a tale in pictures by Kat



   Once upon a time, there was a black cat. A little crazy, a little unfriendly, grumpy and full of dark magic... or

 so they thought when they banished her from the Everlasting Fields of Green.





 Deserted and left with no friends by her side, the black cat was left out of options. She had to leave her home, her family, her so called friends and maybe find another home. But where? And who would welcome her when she brought nothing else but troubles to everyone around her? When she was an introvert to the spine?!









But the night before her departure, voice were heard in her dreams. It was a colorful dream with a field full of colorful wild flowers bathed in the sunset's light. 'Come, dear cat, come and find us! Find us and you'll get to stay with us forever more... Find us,' the voices would whisper.







Where? How? Who were the voices? This kind of questions ran through the cat's mind as she fled the Everlasting Fields of Green.












But nonetheless, she knew that she would find that place no matter what. All it took was a little courage to endure the loneliness that accompanied her all the time and to stand her grounds to Rain and mighty Blizzards. Never being out, she never saw the reality... But it was alright.







And it was alright. 'Coz after all, she did have some Fairy Dust sprinkled all over her black fur, and a heart full of wishes. They would keep her safe all the way to her final destination...










But when the black cat finally arrived there, she was shocked at the nothingness that was awaiting for her. A field full of broken dreams, of hopes shattered from being thrown out the window... It was something else the voices wanted to gift her -- not the fairytale like landscape, full of lies and shallow people, but freedom and the liberty to be inspired by the nothingness that would welcome her anywhere she would go.






















The liberty to dream real dreams...    







   The power to create a whole new world...






The adventure of making new friends... different from her.




  New memories to treasure...





'I do believe in magic. I do! I do believe!' The black cat stood up from the ground, with eyes tight closed on her hopeful face.

'We knew you'd come to find us. Welcome home, dear cat!' The voices! The voices were there! They were real! And as she opened her eyes she saw a million of burning, tiny beings who were smiling at her.


'Yes, your real family and friends!'



And so, the field of flowers appeared in front of the cat and the fireflies, revealing a whole new world. A world that was yet to be built, a world not shaken but shallow things... This my dears was:






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Aww that's a cute story with beautiful pictures!
aww i love the story <3 for the friends only profile...its up to you really :) Though some of us don't really talk to you, we do read your blog and stories (I do im a silent reader most of the time hahas) ^^
It's ok sometimes if you have too many friends then it can be hard to balance out who you talk to and when. Maybe that's for me but I'm sure you'll get them talking to you soon ^_^
oh kat where did you find all those beautiful pictures?
I'm sorry that you don't have many people speaking with you. Perhaps they are too shy? As to whether to change to friends only hmmm I don't know how to advise you. The story about the cat was so touching!! At first I felt so sad for the sweet cat being treated the way it was but then I kept reading and was so happy for the cat. You know if you think about it if the cat wasn't treated that way maybe it would never found the happiness it did.
at the end of the story I was like: awwwwwwwwwww
you are so good at writing
and now I got an idea^0^

don't worry about the friend thing, I guess you should leave your profile like this^^ don't worry it is better to have few but good friends^^
Wow...................the story..... *-*
Unnie, you have a life XD Do you mean, you want to unfriend some of the people that don't talk to you? If I were you, I would have done that, really. And for your second dilemma..... I'll let you think about that one kkkk XD
glowbug #8
is that you at the end
if its you
wattt wait wat hwo wat hso wcanois
on the