
Hello :P

Wooh! Listening to good music and in a better place now :) So this means more writing with a break for cleaning bf's apartment... (I made a mess of it) He's at work and I have no stress atm! Woot! I have most of the story for YongGuk written, and the Ren is coming along, so yuppers. I might also be hyper on candy/soda/toasters. At only 11:30am...yuppers.

I have the rest of B.A.P to do and I have to figure out what I'm going to do with Chanyeol he's a bit of my bias but I sure as hell can't spell his stage name. Or say it so this should be fun. I'm glad people are liking my stories, I've never actually had this much of some on a site, so woot again! 






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Wheeeee c:
Hurry up and updatee! XD
yay ~! Wanna read them all ~!