AFF Questions and I need answers!

What is happening with the Feature system? I haven't seen any new stories for so long. Is it going to stay like that or are there any stories that are featured that I can't see? What is happening? I need new stories to read and there are no new stories that are featured and there are some that aren't even good that shouldn't be there. 

There are STILL 229 stories getting featured and no stories that goes up on the list........ What is happening here?

Is it just me or is the advertisement thing unfair? 

Why is life unfair?





If you have the time then read my story and subscribe if you like it



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so when you advertise your story there will always be some b*stard who wants it advertised again and will give karma to the author.
The advertisement thingy only advertises for those who pay karma... so duh, it's unfair, those who have karma will promote their fic, get more subs and even more karma.
Gemslover #3
Hmm... the random featured story IS changing but.. the featured story isn't. Seems to be a bug or did something changed?
it's very weird. maybe they're having a problem or so. (0_o)
shining_writer #5
Weird. Feature system changed.