A dead body in my attic ?!?!

Okay so when we first moved house, i had to go into the attic to put some boxes up in there and when i went up there i had to use my flashlight because my dad still had not put a lightbulb in grrrrrr ><

When i got up there saw like this thing that was wrapped up in white paper and i freaked out thinking it was a dead body so i screamed and ran to go get my dad.

Then he went up and checked as i ranted at the staircase say "how we should never have moved, i'm not living in a murder house" and well i heard him laughing and he told me to come up and it was a mother ing CHRISTMAS TREE WHO THE HELL WRAPS A CHRISTMAS TREE IN WHITE PAPER AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE A DEAD BODY !?!?!?!?!


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Haha! We do! We wrap our Christmas tree in paper, white or any color. :)