♫Music & Lyrics Entertainment♫ - Trainee - Kang Jihyun

M&L♫ Entertainment Trainee

Kang Jihyun


Your User Info

Username: SuHyunLover

Link: link

What Can I Call You?: Cody


Introduce Yourself (Character Info)

Name: Kang Jihyun

Nicknames: Jihyun (her name), Hyunnie (by her family and close friends)

Age: 19

Birthday: September 8, 1993

Gender: female

Ethnicity: Filipino- Korean

Languages: fluent Korean, fluent English, fluent Filipino, semi-fluent Japanese

Birthplace: Manila, Philippines

Raised In: Seoul, South Korea

ual Orentation:

Straight - Gay - Lesbian - Biual - Love Is Love(Doesn't matter)


What Do You Look Like? (Character Appearance)

Ulzzang Name: Kwon Su Jeong
Ulzzang Pic Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Kim Seul Mi
Back-Up Ulzzang Pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Height: 177 cm
Weight: 48 kg

Anything else?: (Tattoos, piercings, birthmarks etc.)


About You (Character Personality & Stuff)

Personality: She is moody, dislikes being humiliated and dislikes people pointing out her flaws. she is sometimes mistaken as being flirty because she likes skinships like hugging guys. she is patient unlike her brother as long as it has a good outcome. she tends to bottle up her emotions. she gets absent minded at times. she likes expressing herself in English.


Loves: fashion, music and cakes

Likes: (5+)

Dislikes: (5+)

Hates: (only 3)

Habits: (3+)


Fashion Sense: (5 sentences about their sense of style and what they like to wear)

Dorm: 1 | 2 | 3

Practice: 1 | 2 | 3

Formal: 1 | 2 | 3

Sleep Wear: 1 | 2 | 3

On A Date: 1 | 2 | 3

Casual: 1 | 2 | 3

Airport: 1 | 2 | 3

Clubbing/Beach: 1 | 2 | 3

Other: 1 | 2 | 3


Trivia: (5+ random facts about your character I must know)




Family Background/History:



Father || Kang Jungsoo || 50 || Alive || office worker || witty, funny and caring || How they interact?


Mother || Kang Miyoung || 49 || Alive || chef || workaholic and strict || How they interact?


older brother || Kang Jihoon || 23 || Alive || cop || serious, charismatic || How they interact?




Name || Age || Occupation || How they met? || Personality || How they interact?


Name || Age || Occupation || How they met? || Personality || How they interact?


Best Friends: (Only 0-2; they can both be idols or both be OCs or one of each)


Name || Age || Occupation || How they met? || Personality || How they interact?


Name || Age || Occupation || How they met? || Personality || How they interact?


*Rival: (only one; idol only)


Name || Age || Occupation || How they met? || Why they became rivals? || Personality || How they interact? || How does your rival treat others?


Love Interest:


dating secretly || Park Sungmin || 19 || A-JAX member || How they met? || cool, serious and mature || How they interact?


Back-Up Love Interest:


crush || J.G. || 19 || Cross Gene member || How they met? || serious, mature || How they interact?


Professional Info

Company: YG Entertainment | SM Entertainment

How'd they get into SM/YG?:


Why were they selected to be apart of M&L♫ by the CEOs?:


How long did they train at SM/YG before coming to M&L♫?: (Can be anywhere between a few weeks to a few years)

*Did they train anywhere else before coming to SM/YG?:
*How long?:

Stage Name: ( can be the characters real/birth first name )


Personal Fan Club:
Fan Club Colors:

*Personal Twitter:

Talents/Skills: Singing | Dancing | Rapping  (bold the ones they have)

*Singing Links: 1 | 2 | 3

Dancing Links: 1 | 2 | 3

*Rapping Links: 1 | 2 | 3




*Small/Large?: (does not have to be filled out unless they wanna be apart of a group; include number range; ex. 3-6 members etc.)

Would they be okay with being a leader/visual?:

Solo Activities They Would Like: (list 3-5; modeling, OSTs, acting etc.)



 Any concerns?: password

Scene Suggestions: scenes LOL XD

Anything else I should know?:

The End ^.^



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