Relation of Face, Mind and Love

My title sound like a movie title right? Well, it because it is. Haha.. But I'm not talking about that movie. I just wanna talk about love... the very universal topic, (and boring to some of you).


I think everyone in my age already experienced their first love. Love is quite different than crush. I experienced my first crush when I was er.. 8 (1997, some of you might have not born yet XD) or 9? and I start realize it when I'm 10.

My first love was when I was 13. I got into secondary school (middle school?) and experienced all new things. I was 13 years old and he was 15. Whenever I remembered it, it always bring me laugh.

How I fell in love with him? Well... The story is quite long. After I finished school session, I'm waiting for my van to come. You know some people go back with their parents, some riding bus. Here in Malaysia, we also use van as transport(like school bus) to send people from school to their home and vice versa. So, the van was late.. as usual. I'm waiting with my friends. Few minutes later, there was F sitting near us. He sat on a desk. My friend made a joke saying he sat on a broken desk. We all laughed. After that we all called him 'meja patah' (broken desk).

So, since then, I always saw him whenever I'm waiting for my transport to pick me up after school. When the students were too many, the van had to do 2nd trip. I'm willing to ride the 2nd trip(which mean I will arrived home late) just because I want to see him before I went back. F is the nephew of one of the teacher in my school. So, he was waiting for his aunt to finish teaching and sent him back. After seeing him everyday, I knew that I like him. But my friend who always waiting with me was also like him. When she asked that if I like F, I had to deny. I don't want her to know, I'm kinda willing to sacrifice.

I have a lot to tell but I think I should make it short. Nobody wants to hear about my first love story.. Haha..

But yeah. Thanks to F, I experienced what love feels like. My heart pounding so hard when I heard his name. Even just his name... I couldn't take my eyes from him when I saw him.  When I was eating, if I think about him, I could not continue eating. He made me had sleepless night. He is not that good-looking but something about him makes me attracted to him. But I don't know what is it.

Luckily, he is not a player and doesn't have many girls as his friend. His only bestfriend is a boy, F2. F2 is one of the famous boy in my school. He is consider idol-like. F2has so many fans. Thank God my F doesn't had fan(maybe).. Only me was his true fan.

But this love story doesn't have happy ending. This is unrequited love. I, worship him from afar while him never realize of my existence. After 2 months holiday,  F was already moved from the school. I never saw him since 2002. It almost 9 years now. I tried to search for him on Friendster, Myspace, Facebook, Google and everywhere. But no luck. Guess I never will found him.

So, what is this first love thing got to do with my title?

Well, as far as I know if I like a boy, their looks are similar. They all are Chinese looks. I don't know why my mind already set that way. Even my first crush when I was 8 is also Chinese looks. Well, I'm not Chinese but I do attracted to Chinese/Japanese/Korean looks.

Do I fall in love because of looks? Well, I can't say it's not true. l
What I noticed first is his looks but his personality makes me hooked up. Does face important in love? I think face and looks are quite needed but it's not that important. It's his behaviour, his personality, his opinion on something even his way of speaking with others plays an important part. But of course, hearing this from me; from someone who never experienced in real relationship (and not really attractive) cannot be trusted.

After 22 years being single, I think half of me is already giving up. I didn't care anymore. Though I always dreaming to be having family but I never can't imagine who will the father of my child...

But maybe him... (which is Ikuta Toma XD )

So, what is your first love story?


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*strangles Twisted*

When I was 13, I had my first love. There was nobody that compared to my baby. And nobody came between us who could ever come above. She had me going crazy, oh I was starstruck. She woke me up daily, don't need no Starbucks.

She made my heart pound. I skip a beat when I see her in the street. And at school on the playground. But I really wanna see her on a weekend. She know she got me dazin' 'cause she was so amazin'. And now my heart is breakin' but I just keep on sayin'

Baby, baby, baby, oh~~~
Like baby, baby, baby, no~~~
Like baby, baby, baby, oh~~
I thought you'd always be mine, mine

you are not alone, Unni. I think i haven't felt in love yet, but I have had cruch on many. I have been singel for 20 year (to years shorter then you). Life is hard when it comes to love. I have a really complicated thing going on with a man who like me, but I am not sure I like him. But I am willing to try. Love is hard. Like you so do I get attracted to people woth asian look. I don't know why, but it just is that way. I really want to know what love feeld like and after watch so many drama, I really want to experiance that too.
Awww.. Your love story reminds me of all of my memories from last year and the past years. But yeah, starting from this year (2011) I decided to just try to forget about all of it. My love story is just so complicated. *sigh* -__-
My Umma is still in love? Haha.
I can never say I've fallen in love, but maybe it's because I'm scared to admit I already have. I haven't met anyone that makes my heart flutter a lot for a long period of time [usually, they only last around weeks- it never lasts more than 2 months]. But I guess I'm trying too hard to find my perfect someone, so much that I ignore everyone who isn't that person. I guess that makes me naive? But I'm still so inexperienced with a lot of things especially concerning this thing everyone calls "love". I have my personal opinion on it though, but it's from the point of view of someone who has never fallen in love so I'll merely keep it to myself.

That was long ORZ Sorry for rambling-
Well...I had this crush on this one boy for 2 years but it was really stupid since I was 9 by that time XD I never had the courage to confess to him until I move out of that school. Now I still chat with him through facebook. He still never knew that I liked him before. (we were best friends) And yea, now I have none XD I mean, I'm still 12. It's a good thing right? XD I hope I find someone really soon though 8D
Wow! Thank you guys for sharing your story! Hope the others will too!
I have a lot of crushes from my kindergarten years but i think i've found my first love on my 1st year in highschool. It started when we were having a culminating activity and two senior students will be the masters of ceremony, a boy and a girl. I was kinda near-sighted to see clearly the face of the boy, but nevertheless, i found him cute and familiar..>.< LOL. But i was not planning to fall in love with someone i don't clearly know. Then after a few weeks, on a convention i saw that boy again then i felt a different feeling, like i was excited? Then when i went back to school, i started to think about him almost everyday so i tried to gather infos about him. His name, his class section, his..EVERYTHING! I have, of course, reliable assets. His classmates are my friends. LOL. he was 4th year highschool then. He was the top of their class. I was really amazed. I still remember the day he first talked to me. Oct. 5, 2009. ^_^ That was embarrassing and it made me nervous. Until he graduated..:( I often see him on school. But everytime i would see him it pushes or it urges me to talk to him but instead i always remain steady and my body is like...numb? LMAO.. AHah...
Haha. Hi unnie! ^_^
I'm kinda shy to put up my love story...LOL..Should i post it on a blog? LOL..
Errr... Me? Same like you...
But, we met on midterm test ? Hahaa
lol i think I had mine? somewhere in college..but then I decided I didn't want it and I avoided him >.> read Tempo Rubato, Jay's character there is kinda like him...minus...the...ending. >.>

i think i'm about to give up too LOL I think he'll always be my greatest 'what if' LOL