Which Harry Potter Character Am I?



[x] Your hair is dark and can be messy.

[x] You wear glasses.

[] You have a weird looking scar.

[x] You are brave.

[ ] You have green eyes.

[ ] You like playing a particular sport.

Total = 3


[ ] You have red hair.

[x] You are very loyal to your friends.

[ ] You are deathly afraid of spiders.

[x] You are sarcastic.

[x] You don't have a lot of money.

[ ] You have older siblings.

Total = 3


[x] You are bossy.

[ ] You are intelligent.

[x] Your hair is wavy or curly.

[ ] You have a cat.

[ ] You usually know how to handle tricky situations.

[ ] You get made fun of a lot.

[ ] You can't draw.

Total = 2


[ ] You are tall.

[x] You are very friendly and soft-hearted.

[ ] You love animals.

[ ] You are very helpful.

[ ] You give in easily.

[x] You are very loyal.

Total = 2


[ ] You are weird and proud of it.

[ ] You don't have loads of friends.

[ ] You are a bit ditzy.

[x] You are open-minded.

[ ] You are quite spiritual.

[x] You believe in things most people wouldn't.

Total = 2


[ ] You are manipulative.

[x] You can be very mean when you want to be.

[ ] You are a snob.

[x] You can get jealous.

[ ] You have blonde hair.

[x] You enjoy pranks as long as they don't hurt anyone.

Total =3


[x] You are close to your grandparents.

[ ] You are plump.

[ ] You are easily frightened.

[x] You get nervous easily.

[ ] You like frogs and toads.

[ ] You are geeky.

Total = 2


I don't like anyone... >.>

Between Harry, Draco, and Ron... Maybe?


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i got Luna ,__, xD