My Late Christmas Letter to You

Dear Sushi and Noodles or Noodles and Sushi (whichever way you would like to think of it),

So for Christmas I haven't bought anything for you guys yet so I decided for the mean time I would write you guys a letter that is mushy and what not. As well I decided to publicly display it on AFF so then I can embarrass you guys and me in the process. Yes, I know I'm genius.

I'm not very expressive all the time, but I would like for you guys to know that I'm extremely grateful to have met you. As cliche and unoriginal that sounds it's true. For me having a set of very close friends has always been a process of trial and error. If I think back to pre-school to now I have probably had 6 different sets of best friends. And most of the time those friends ended up being mean or bully me, so I haven't had the best experience with friends.

So to tell you the truth when I first became friends with you guys I truthfully thought that by the time we got into high school we'd probably;y break apart and I would get different friends.

It didn't turn out that way. The difference between you two and my other friends was that you sincerely actually cared about how I felt. As well you two let me into the great friendship you two had shared since first grade. You even let me be a part of your childhood memory Heartbeat.

You guys opened your hearts to me. You opened your friendship to me. And you in the process opened my heart towards you guys.

Both of you have greatly supported me in all my dreams and goals. I know it is a bit difficult to fully understand what I go through to achieve my dream since what I want to do as a career is so much different from what you two want to do when you are an adult. But that doesn't seem to matter to you guys and I'm happy for that.

Naturally and by instinct I may hide things from you guys whether I really feel sad, frustrated, or mad and I just blow it all off with a joke or two. But it's ironically funny because when I'm around you guys and our other friends the smile I had at one point been faking turns into a real one.

I can list off all of the different things you guys do for me or have done for me, but truly there is too much to say. Most of all I just want you guys to know that I'm so grateful to have met you two and Rocio and all our other friends.

And although I may come off uncaring or cold at times on the inside I'm all of you guys' number one fan in whatever you do.

Alright so that's it with all the gushiness. You two should savor this since this will be a once in lifetime thing to read something like this from me! At least something mushy and what not.

See ya later yo!








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