Questions stolen from INFINITEaddict193


Write down a couple of your favorite biases names down.

1. Daehyun

2. L.Joe

3. Hoya

4. Jo Kwon

5. Kris

6. Myungsoo

7. Kwanghee

8. Jongup

9. Lee Joon

10. Sungjong


 Answer the questions by name order.

1.  Daehyun becomes your tutor?

Well, now wouldn't this be interesting? What could Daehyun teach me? I'd love some vocal lessons, but then I don't have the talent to make proper use of them, so I'll just take...whatever class he wants to give. I'll listen (stare more like) with my full attention.

2. L.Joe is your new next door neighbor?

This'd be fun. We could become friends, hang out, do crap together. Yep, this sounds like fun. Make it happen!

3.Your mother sets you up on a date with Hoya?

Mummy you're the ! What do you want for your birthday? I'll get it. A date with Hoya (I'm laughing a little for obvious reasons^^) would be great fun. What comes after it is what I want to know?

4. You meet Jo Kwon at a birthday party?

HAHAHA! Kkap Dance Battle! That would be awesome. But I can beat the dance, it's killer.

5. Kris becomes your dance teacher at school?

all that teacher student relationship crap, those sort of rules are void in this situation. I'll happily break a few rules...

6. Myungsoo is your babysitter?

Am I dead? Wouldn't this be heaven? I could easily get used to that. Seeing him everyday - yep, my life would be complete.

7. Kwanghee becomes your bestie?

I think my life would get funnier. How could I not laugh every second with Kwanghee as a bestie? How bloody awesome would that be?

8. Jongup becomes your slave?

I feel like such a ert now...but this would be a little bit awesome. Jongup why are you wearing that shirt, it's in the way. Take it off...

9. Lee Joon confesses his feelings for you?

Kill me now! This would be an easy choice. Yes. Yes. Yes. Happily. Let's go somewhere and celebrate.

10. Sungjong is the new principal of your school?

I want a dance class with the principle. Teach me your magic.

11. Last Question. How many husbands do you have?

This question is a little amusing for me...


This was quite fun~



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