Fun Day.... Keke~

Fun! Yep, today was fun! Hihi... Well, I just got back from school. School break is still going on for me and I have a few more days before school reopens but I got some stuff to do at school so that's why I went today! Hihi... It was fun meeting my friends again and we ate McDonalds>< Yeyeyeye... Hihi....

We were suppose to call McDonalds to ask them to deliver but one thing lead to another, I had to call my mom and she took our order! Keke~ So, my mom delivered them to us! Haha...I love you mommy!

Oh and I just posted up a new story. It was an idea by my friend(aurorofantasy) and I... Keke~ Since I met her just now and we decided to post it up today and we were like giggling like mad women because we were excited! LOL><

So, then... we were talking and talking. Oh gosh, we were so dirty-minded! Aigoo~ Kids these days, they don't know the boundaries:P Sometimes I wonder, will we be awesome grandparents since we're like so random? Or generation is just shooo... Dirty and random? LOL>< My friends and I are like that, dunno about you guys.

Can't talk much today:( I got some other stuff to finish, there's this orientation day at my school on the 31st of december and I'm in-charge of giving out the textbooks to the new students^^ Yehehehehe.... New kids, me likeyyyy...



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sudden dirty thoughts.
5 more days before school reopen for me. T^T
13seconds #3
Haha, we're all dirty-minded okaii. I think it's just our generation and all this kpop stuff here lulz.
hheheehe .... so cute
lol, I agree to @TaintedFeathers Where did you get all those funny gifs? Me wanna~ xD
I think your school and mine will re-open at the same time. Ah just few weeks, days? =.=;;
Suddenly I want to meet my friends. haha.
and your mother is the coolest! :DD
Hahaha I dare ask what you're thinking about? Minho? ;DD HAHAHA