Fears (Stolen off LjoeLove1560)


I fear...
[ ] black people
[x] the dark (Ohh~ ghost movies... I love how you get me paranoid at night... T_T)
[ ] staying single forever 
[ ] being a parent 
[x] being in front of others. (not my friends... just public speaking... you know...)
[ ] open spaces 
[x] closed spaces (I hate my bedroom door closed. I feel like some supernatural force is going to open it and scare me)
[x] heights 
[ ] dogs
[ ] birds 
[ ] fish
[X] spiders 
[ ] flowers or other plants 
Total so far: 5
[ ] fire
[x] deep water (I can't swim in deep water T_T Doggy paddles can't last forever...)
[ ] snakes
[ ] silk 
[ ] the ocean
[ ] failure
[x] thunder/lightning (You're minding your own business, and then KABOOM~ *echo*  and lightening at night makes it feel like your light is flickering...)
[ ] frogs/toads
[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[] rats 
[x] jumping from high places (What if you die...?)
Total so far: 8
[] rain
[] wind 
[x] crossing hanging bridges (What if the bridge snaps and you land on something and break some bones? Or if you land in water and can't swim...? o.O)
[x] death (I'm not Voldemort...)
[ ] being robbed/mugged   
[x] falling
[ ] clowns
[x] dolls (Especially the one's that blink or the ones that stare straight forward with cold eyes. Seriously. T_T What if you accidently wreck the eyes and you stare at you with crooked eyes. Or what if they blink? O.O)
[ ] large crowds of people
[ ] men (LOL~ The person before ticked this and I thought it said X-Men. The superheroes..? For half a second I was like... Am I scared of the X-Men? 
[ ] women 
[x] having great responsibilities 
[ ] doctors
[ ] dentists
[x] tornadoes (Who isn't...? It's not like you will walk out the front door when there's a tornado and say: 'Look at this beautiful weather~ the sky is gray and spinning and look at all that stunning display of debris of broken houses and snapped trees...')
Total so far: 14
[x] hurricanes (refer to the tornadoes reasoning...)
[x] incurable diseases (i'm too young to dieeee~~ T_T)
[x] sharks (What if you can't swim.. so you drown.. and get eaten by a shark??)
[ ] Friday the 13th
[x] ghosts (Wayyyy~~~ too much~)
[ ] poverty
[ ] Halloween
[ ] school 
[ ] trains 
[x] odd numbers (I'm not scared of them but... it doesn't feel right when there's a odd number of something...)
[ ] even numbers
[x] being alone (What if a ghost comes and gets youuuuuuuuu? T_T)
[ ] becoming blind
[ ] becoming deaf 
[x] growing up, becoming old (You can't do you things you wanted to do anymore... T_T)
Total so far: 21
[X] creepy noises in the night  
[ ] not accomplishing my dreams/goal
[ ] needles    
[ ] blood 
Total: 22
If you get more than 30, I strongly recommend some counseling.
If you get more than 20, you're paranoid.
If you get 11-20, you are normal. 
If you get 10 or less, you're fearless. 
People who don't have any are full of crap.
So... I'm a paranoid person? ... ... Sounds right. T_T


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