The Painful Truth & The Painful Truth (Uncut)

The Painful Truth has subscribers!! I am grateful and for those of you who commented thankyou so much!!!

You may have noticed there is another version of TPT called TPT (Uncut) if you are curious below is an explanation.




 TPT (uncut) will be darker than TPT. It comes with a trigger warning for issues such as SH, ED and control issues... please don't be too afraid to read it though as it's not all about triggers and doom and gloom it's just a little more mature themed but for the sake of sensitivity I felt I should tag it accordingly.

 The reason there are two versions... TPT (Uncut) is actually the original version I wanted to write so is the original idea but before I could tag TPT accordingly people had subscribed. Out of a sense of fairness and gratitude I thought I would continue both. They will be essentially the same only obviously TPT will be less harsh and go into less detail for specific scenes, some scenes may even be deleted entirely. 

 Explanation DONE ^^* xoxo


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