
Hello -_-;


So glad Christmas foolishness is away now, it was better than most years, but it still wasn't 'storybook' who has those anymore? (My son had fun) Back to more important news, the Ren story is still highly in the works, I'm a bit jumpy with it though, have a part I can't transition into, but no worries, when I actually get some sleep I'll be able to smooth it over. I had an idea for a fic about YoungGuk while I was rocking my son, so that was terror for a bit. I'm trying to write more today, I seem to be writing more at night, like after six until I wake up drooling on my keyboard a few hours later. I don't know how much I'll be able to, I'm still with my little monst- I mean son <3, So I'll probably finish the YoungGuk -That might make NeonGiraffe happy. Tomorrow I'm with him too, but I should be able to stay up later since I have to leave to go back home. But I'm going to my bf apartment so while he's at work I can be typing away. Until New Years. Then I probably won't be writing anything then. 


But after I'm still off for six more days. (I work at a factory so to make up for 48+ hour weeks, only off four days throughout the regular year they stupidly give us 2 and a half weeks off; no pay though yae!... -_-;)

But afterwards it's going to be difficult to write since I work third shift from 10:30 to 6:30 am. But I'll write, may not be able to post, but I'll write, I might post 400 hundred stories at one time but that should be fun. 



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