
Totally irrelevant to anything right now but, my cat just got into a fight with this other cat omg..


I took him out for a walk with my sister and cousin and then this other cat came over, it was making really awful meow sounds...then my sister asked me to bring my cat closer for them to 'interact' so I did and then....BAM THE STRAY CAT POUNCED ON MY CAT AND THEY ROLLED AROUND SCRATCHING, BITING EACH OTHER AND I COULD SEE THE CAT FUR FLYING EVERYWHERE OMFG AND THEN MY CAT'S LEASH CAME OFF AND THEN THEY CHASED EACH OTHER AROUND THE HOUSE LIKE TWO TIMES UNTIL I GOT A HOLD OF THE LEASH AGAIN AND MY COUSIN SPRAYED WATER ON THE STRAY CAT SO IT RAN AWAY


it was so scary omg and the worst part was they fell into this ditch/drain (not very deep and it was dry obviously) and my cat just stayed there after the fight...I tried to pet him but he would hiss at me....took such a long time to actually grab him out and put him back in the cage..he was so angry omg I can't even take off the leash without him trying to bite my arm off :( at least he's not badly hurt..


the worst part is that JUST happened and it's like 8.48PM right it was kinda dark...and there's a ton of mosquitoes outside..


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:( my dog likes to run off his leash all the time. he doesn't like strangers either. I feel for you!