Off to Bed!

Hi people! How are you guys? Had fun on christmas? I hope you did!

Well, since it was a public holiday yesterday because of christmas, my parents and I went out shopping since we don't celebrate it... I went to the first shopping mall and entered the bookstore. I bought some stationeries and new notebooks for school^^ Well, even if I despise going to school, I have to at least buy new pens and notebooks. I need to use them to scribble some stuff when the class is boring right? Keke~

I even bought a new storybook by Murakami(translated from Japanese to English)... The title was like screaming on my face, asking me to take and read it!  Yeah! I love reading but sometimes school work doesn't give me time to read... It's so sad...

So, after roaming around the shopping mall for almost 2 hours, we went out because we had to go somewhere else. My dad needed to meet his friend for some business stuff... IDK>< It took like 1 or 2 miserable hours to get there even though it's suppose to take like 45 minutes to get there. My dad got lost!

When we got there, my dad's friend was not there yet since my dad didn't give him a call... My mom suggested that we should go around the shopping mall that was standing just right in front of us. I had to wear my high-top sneakers again since I took it off when my father got lost earlier:/ Becaue I was late at getting out of the car, my mom scolded me! WHAT? WHY? UGH... She was actually stressed about the earlier incindent when we got lost=.=

But as soon as we entered the shopping mall, our small fight was long forgotten>< Keke~ We went around the place like a little kid and I bought 2 rings! Hihi... I love buying accessories! It makes me happy when I look at my collection and it makes me feel happy too when I wear it! LOL... I'm so excited!

We got home around around 5p.m. but I didn't get to rest because I had to follow my mom to buy some grocery stuff. Then, we head off to my grandparent's house because we needed to give and discuss some stuff... Finally, I got home at 8:30! OMG! Home sweet home! I was dead tired so I was so happy to finally be able to rest! Haha...

Before I end this... I need your opinion:/ I'm currently writing a story and I'm confused... How many chapters is ideal for a story? Well, I know 100 chapters is just too much... But, 40-50 chapters, is it okay? What do you think? I'm so confused! i dunno... Argh... OTL

Oh and to the readers of my story, "Who the hell is she?!" There's a fat chance that I won't be able to update today:( Forgive me but I was too tired to write yesteday... I'll try to start the new chapter today, so, no worries! I'll update as soon as I can:D Stay tune! For now, I'm off to take a nap for a while before starting to crack my head for a new idea for the new chappie! Hwaiting;D




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I think 30 chapters is the ideal one but.. isnt it too short? XD But the main point is, as long as you're story is interesting in every part wouldnt be the problem if the chapters are like 100++ since the longest story I ever read is My Crazy Hot Aliens series (dbskgirl4ever) and The Legends Saga(4 series) + 4 spin-off XD (Navi_7769)
13seconds #2
I had like the worst christmas of my life yesterday and I just don't even want to talk about it. ;A; You seem like you have fun though even if you got lost. The same thing happened to me some time back. /le sigh

Well, just write until your story ends? Lulz is there a limit to how many chapters? o u o ;
I think that 40-50 chapters is just fine. If you are really struggling to continue writing a story (I know from personal experience) then you can end it at around 30 ;)
durian2003 #4
OMG YOU BOUGHT A BOOK BY MURAKAMI???!!! WHAT'S THE TITLE?!!! TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME!!!!! XD Omo~~ and i still have two extremely thick books to finish yet here I am wondering if u'd lend it to me once you're done~ LOL~! XD
Your .gifs are awesome. :)
hihi ~! You're lucky ~! We don't celebrate christmas as well , but we have a lot of tests at school ~! Aigoo ~! Poor us~!
Your life seems miserably fun. lol. XD