#2; 2012 is leaving...

Hi! It's me, Lee Yoon Hee.

Since 2012 is leaving, I search for blog post or archieve related to 2012. And what I found is--

»Cross out what you've done in 2012;

- Gotten a new piercing.

-Dyed my hair.

-Ended a relationship. {I never had a relationship with anyone=.='}

-Started a new relationship.

*-Confessed to your crush. {Time will decide everything~}

*-Love a boy/girl for more than a year.  {yeah. It's been 720 days}

-Been on a long car/bus journey.

-Passed an exam. {for the 1st time, I passed my Civil Engineering Studies!}

-Met someone who's now an important part of my life.

-Cried on someone's shoulder.

-had a massive fight with a boy/girl. {I had it. Last year.}

-Received flowers.

-Written a letter using a pen and paper.

-Gone to see a therapist.

-Been prescribed medication by a doctor.

*-Had a surgery. {Eye surgery}

-Read a really good book.

-Gone to a zoo.

-Spent too much money on unnecessary things.  {Clothes! Luckily, my sister hid my purse.}

-Traveled by train.

-Cried over a member of the opposite .

-Spent the day out in the sun getting a tan.

-Slammed a door out of frustration.

*-Cursed loudly.

-Babysitting.  {Living alone with 2 year-old boy & 10-month-old baby girl for two days!}

-Had an anxiety attack.

-Had a BBQ. {I sort of hate BBQ}

-Gone to the fair.

-Gone bowling. {I love bowling! But I never achieved more than 4 strikes in a game}

-Seen a film at the cinema in 3D.

-Gone on a date.

-Been the only sober one on a night out.

-Stayed up all night. {I stayed up for 3 days without a  sleep}

-Talked on the phone for over two hours.

-Supported someone who'd received bad news.

-Watch some kind of live sporting event.

-Read an entire book in one day. {I could even finished three books a day!}

*-Finished a comic in less than 15 minutes.

-Bought a DVD/CD the day it was released.

-Eaten McDonald/Domino's more than four times a week. {I am a Domino's freak! but I like McD too}

-Cried as a result of exam stress.

-Met some incredible new people.

-Fallen backwards off a chair. {It was so seriously totally embarrasing!}

-Broken my glasses. {I wore glasses for a 1st time this year, on October}

-Worn a watch for the first time in years.

-Thrown up.

-Cried over someone in my past.

-Spent hours aimlessly browsing the internet. {oftenly}

-Cried over a film.

*-Gone out of my way to avoid my crush. {Did he saw me blushing? Kyaa~}

-Fought with someone in public. {Yeah. And he older than me by 4 years!}

-Cried in front of someone I adore.

-Lost one of my closest friends.


I did not own this. But, the * signs are originally made by me.  Credits to: _milkshake.


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AHH! Hope that regardless of all the fighting/crying/craziness, you still had an acceptable year. May next year be better!