Happy holiday ??? I don't think so.... (part 1)

Malaysia is the only country that have so many holidays . I know ... you may may think Malsysia students are lucky ... maybe some of them are lucky but  NO!!! I am not lucky .It's my worst 6 weeks of holiday ever !!!

I am not the type of people who's active but I know my holiday wil be


So I decided to sign up for a few camps and be active ... I thought that it's going to turn out great but i was super wrong !!!!!

My first camp

I was a helper at that camp .the campers are like for 4 to 12 years old . I was in charge of this statiion games called floorball . It is held under the sun and it is like 9.00 o'clock when the games starts... I was like sweating the whole three days and not only that I was in charge of this team and this team has like two very hyper monkey... they cannot sit still and you have to carry them around ... by the end of the day ... my legs are sore ... that camp ends at 12 but the helpers have to stay back to prepare for the next day... so the preparation did not took that long to finish so there's like 1 more hour ... so we decided to play catch...I was kind of blur that time so i was the last one to leave the stage and i end up trying to catch the them ... They run like olympics runner, like the wind... i cannot run ... i am super slow... I couldn't catch any of them for like 1 hour ... thank God my mom arrive to take me home ...and they were like this -->




It is like so embarassing (>\\\<) anddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd









it goes the same  for the three long days... haiz...
















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