My family...


So my neighbourhood out earlier, and my brother decided to write a story about what he leaned... or something. My family man--we're all internet addicts holy . (just putting this here for future refence and lolz, read if you want)


Powerless; a tale of how my family learned the true meaning of Christmas.

It all started when I chose to eat dinner with the family. Such events are unusual in the Armstrong household, the usual retreat to our respective computers somehow abandoned, perhaps in the pursuit of that 'christmas spirit'. Little did I know that doing so would be signing away my last chance at avoiding what was to come.

Returning to my computer after a leisurely meal, I sat down and prepared to abandon the realm of 3D for the rest of the night when, with a loud boom, disaster struck. The lights flickered slightly, then turned off; the everpresent hum of the computers ceasing. A transformer had blown up the road across. We were powerless.

After quickly buying some ice in an attempt to keep the vast quantities of perishable goods in the fridge edible, my family, so often separated by the internet, was forced to huddle together in the lounge room around candlelight. At first, there was silence. All wondered when exactly the power would return but, as time passed, conversation blossomed. All five of us were talking face to face, marshmallows slowly roasting over a small candle. Time passed quickly until it was suggested that we go outside and see the christmas lights, together.

As we pulled out of the driveway, we noticed the lights flick back on and power return to the house. Perhaps we would have returned, were we our selves from a mere couple of hours ago, but we continued. We had learned that the true christmas spirit comes not from a wealth of food, or from the gifting and receiving of presents, but from being with family and enjoying such an occasion together.

It was about then that I realised that I was clearly in a B-grade christmas tv special. Goddamnit.


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At least you celebrate it. My mom and dad don't celebrate it, and they stopped giving presents when I turned 10. TT^TT Anyhoo, happy Christmas!