About the Author - Stolen from tripandfall


About the Author – Stolen from tripandfall

About me:

§  Name – That’s a secret. I’ll tell you my nickname: it’s Tomithy. My awesome K-pop friend calls me that. You all can too.

§  Will you answer all questions truthfully? – If I didn’t I’d only be wasting my time so yes, I will answer them truthfully.

§  Are you single? – Anyone up for bingo?

§  Are you happy? – It’s Christmas Eve! How can I be unhappy?

§  Are you Italian? – No.

§  Are you German? – No.

§  Are you Asian? – No.

§  Are you angry? – No. Well these have been easy to answer.

§  Are you Irish? – No.

§  Are you parents still married? – Yes.

Ten Facts:

§  Birthplace – Tamworth, Australia

§  Hair colour – Brown, naturally curly.

§  Eye colour – Blue

§  Birthday – 18th of April 1994. Same day as Jessica from SNSD.

§  Mood – Happy. It’s Christmas. How can I be unhappy?

§  Gender – Male

§  Lefty or righty – I’m a righty. My left hand is only there to make up numbers

§  Summer or winter? – The beach. Guys. Need I say more?

§  Morning or afternoon? – Afternoon. I hate mornings. I don’t wake up very well.

Ten things about your love life:

§  Are you in love? – No. I love my friends. And I love me. But I’m not in love. It’d be nice though…

§  Do you believe in love at first sight? – I’ll get back to you on that. I’ll have to experience it first, but I believe that it can happen.

§  Who ended your last relationship? – Nobody. Haven’t had one…Isn't that sad? Know any good guys?

§  Have you ever broken someone’s heart? – I wouldn’t know. I highly doubt it though.

§  Are you afraid of commitments? – No. Bring it on. If he’s committed too, then I got no problems.

§  Have you hugged someone in the last week? – Yep. I went out with some friends of mine and got a hug from them all. Even from my straight guy friends…

§  Have you ever had a secret admirer? – If I have they’ve done a good job at the secret part.

§  Have you broken your own heart? – Yes. I still haven’t come out yet. It’s a little painful, but I’ll live.

Ten choices:

§  Love or lust? – Lusty love? Loving Lust? I want both if you can’t guess. Love would be wonderful, but I’d like lust too.

§  Lemonade or iced tea? – Lemonade. It goes really well with vodka.

§  Cats or dogs? – I’m allergic to cats – and I love them – so dogs. I love them too.

§  A few best friends or many regular friends? – I have both. I have my best friends and then there are my regular friends. God, I’m so social.

§  Internet or TV? – Internet. That’s not a hard choice. There are no Korean dramas/variety/music shows on Australian TV. Although SBS popasia is some great fun.

§  Pepsi or coke? – Neither. They’re both .

§  Wild night out or romantic night in? – I think both are great. A romantic night in would be wonderful, but a wold night out is some fun . I’ll do both.

§  Day or night? – Night. Past ten o’clock I don’t get tired. No matter how late.

§  IM or phone? – Most phones do both…

Ten have you ever…

§  Been caught sneaking out? – Of where?

§  Fallen down/up the stairs? – I can’t remember any, but most likely. I’m not the clumsiest person, but I’ve probably done that once or twice.

§  White water rafted? – No.

§  Finished an entire jawbreaker? – Of course. It was great. I enjoyed every last . *After typing this, I thought it sounded a little too…interpretable*

§  Wanted something/someone do bad it hurt? Jung Daehyun…Need I say more?

§  Prank called a store? – Store no. Person yes. It was fun. I can do an Indian accent really well and I convinced them I was a telemarketer. It was hilarious.

§  Skipped school? – Never. I loved school. I will always look back fondly on my time there.

§  Wanted to disappear? – No.

Ten preferences:

§  Smile or eyes? – If both are nice, then wouldn’t that be perfect? If I like the guy, then wouldn’t his eyes, smile and everything appear nice? So yeah. I can’t really answer this one.

§  Light or dark hair? – I don’t mind.

§  Fat or skinny? – Healthy.

§  Shorter or taller? – Hmm…in a perfect world taller would be wonderful, but a shorter guy wouldn’t worry me either.

§  Intelligence or attraction? – Do you mean smart or hot? If so, then I’ll take a smart hot guy. Don’t say they don’t exist – I know a couple!

§  Hook-up or relationship? – Depends on the person. If they’re relationship material, then yeah, relationship please. But if they’re not, then quickie and go. I’ve got get something out of it, don’t I?

§  Funny and poor or rich and serious? – I don’t care how loaded or poor he is. If he makes me laugh and is serious about me, then I’ll be happy.

About me:

§  Last phone call? – I honestly do not remember. Shows how much I use my phone…

§  Last phone call you receive? – I haven’t got a clue. Same as above…

§  Last person you hung out with? – A bunch of friends at laser tag. So much fun.

§  Last thing you ate? – Nuts and bolts – nultrigrain (cereal), fruit loops (cereal) and mixed nuts coated in curry and mustard powder. Seriously addictive…Once I start eating them, I can’t stop until the bowls empty. It’s seriously bad.

§  Last thing you drank? – Lime cordial.

§   Last site you went to? – AFF

§  Last place you were? – Lounge room. Annual Christmas Eve carols were on.


§  Are you in a committed relationship? – Bingo anyone?

§  When was your last relationship? - *Sigh* never.

§  Do you still love them? – Well this is awkward…


§  Do you and your family get along? – Yes. Very well. I’m at my Nan’s now.

§  Would you say you have a messed up life? – No. My life’s quite good really.

§  Have you ever run away from home? – When I was like six, so it doesn’t really count.

§  Have you ever been kicked out? – No.

§  If so, how long? - ….


§  Do you secretly hate one of your friends? – He’s a pain in the arse, I can’t help it. I’m also not the only one!

§  Do you consider all of your friends good friends? – Not all of them but most.

§  Who are/is your best friends? – I have about 10 really close friends. None of which I will name…trollololol.

§  Who knows everything about you? – My best friend D. We’ve been friends for about 9 years. Although he doesn’t know everything about me…At least I don’t think he does.



This was fun.



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I have come to a conclusion that you are an alcoholic, everything is about vodka LOL.
Stealing this LOL