L4C3, SM Entertainment's Newest Girl Group Application Form ^^


Application Form
All About ME:
your aff username: iLuvUKiss
your character's full name:  Jiyeon Woo
your character's nickname : eyesmiling angel?? ( sry I couldn't think of others ><)
your character's stage name (or you can just be called by  your character's name): Kristal
your character's age: 17
your character's dob (dd/mm/yyyy/): 30th March 1995
your character's nationality: Korean ^^
your character's birthplace: California, USA 
languages your character can speak: English, Korean, Mandarin, & a lil bit of French & Japanese ^^
your character's height and weight: height- 169cm weight- 47kg
your character's favorite colors: turquoise, green, blue, purple & peach ^^
your characters' hobbies: watching variety shows, drawing, playing around with members & singing 
things your character likes: Chocolate & anything sweet~ gingerbread man, UKISS, huge teddy bears & rainbow :3
things your character dislikes: arrogant & proud ppl, liars, stuff too minty, ppl who are too quiet 
your charcter's personality (please write as much as you can here. please try to be a descriptive and interesting with this. be creative  and entertaining!): she is always eating sweets & chocolates, so she's mostly hyper~ she talks a lot but is slightly shy around strangers. She loves talking so she doesn't like to b around ppl who are too quiet cuz she finds it awkward. She is always smiling & always cheerful but when she gets angry, she can b a devil, but that hardly happens ^^ she is nice & always tries to help around but sometimes cause more trouble cuz she's a lil too clumsy ^^ a teddy bear is a necessity for her to sleep ~ she is mostly a little kiddy & childish but can act mature when needed. Has random spasms on colourful stuff or huge diamond ring & is in love with Dongho of UKISS ^^
ulzzang/idol chosen for character: Sulli of F(x) ^^
links to pictures of your ulzzang/idol: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-90GXUNgOpFk/TiEwrecLj-I/AAAAAAAAJ60/MtNLVPojnFY/s1600/f%2528x%2529+Sulli%2527s+SelCas+%25281%2529.jpg
random/ interesting facts/fact about character: she is really random & weird @ times & has a mental age of a 5 year old (?). She is too carefree so hardly worried abt anything
character's background. (where they came from, how they grew up etc.): is a Korean was born & grew up inCalifornia. Is from a rich family ^^ 
description, occupation, age and info about character's parents: Father- he is a boss of a huge company so he is not home mostly as he is busy. But he has a great sense of humor ^^ is 47 years old. Cares a lot about his kids 
mother: she died when the character was very young sadly, due to cancer TT^TT
description of relationship with siblings (yes, you can have an idol sibling or parent): has a great relationship with her older bro cuz she has an awesome & kind & sweet older bro, none other than Kevin woo of UKISS (hehe)
description of relationship with best friend (yes, you can have a idol bff): Her best friend is in good terms with her & they don't keep any secrets from each other. They noe each other well as they've none each other for 10 years ^^
My Love
name of crush or boyfriend (yes, he can be a idol): Dongho of UKISS
how you met: When u followed ur bro to meet UKISS
his personality: innocent, funny & as carefree as u, random & is funny~ is a lil lazy at times but is really cute & sweet <3
cute couple things you like to do together: hang out a lot together & like going to amusement parks together when they're free ^^
-the end!-


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thank you for your really cute application and stay tuned to the story for my updates! and merry christmas to you :)
What is this?!! @-@