Free... Sort of?

Hello! Yes, I'm back to being a happy kid>< My jerk cousin went back to his home! YES! FREE! I'M SO FREE!

Hehe~ Well, I thought I was free but then my grandpa(my mom's side) called me this morning asking me to come to his house(5 minutes away from my house). , that means I'll have to do some work! Typing? Reading? Writing? What does he want me to do this time? He can use the computer well, so, what does he want from me? Aigoo~ I'll find out later then... Wait, maybe I did something wrong?! Did he find out about... Mmm, never mind...

This morning, I was like a beast. Eating non-stop. I shocked myself! LOL... My mom was like, "Hey, are you out of your mind or something? You don't usually like eating in the morning. Well, you hate doing anything in the morning." Why is she being so sarcastic in the morning=.=' Just let me eat... Okay, I'm hungry for some reason! Screw diet!

Hmm, I dunno if I'm going to update today cuz I was out for the whole day yesterday... My mom wants to move out again... Cuz she said she wants to move closer to my school since next year is my last year in school><' Scary! Okay, not gonna think about it and embrace the future elegantly:D

Gonna end it here today^^ Can't talk much cuz I'm preparing to move out of my house! Unf, the plumber is like kinda cute but the electrician is meh... Not gonna judge! LOL>< Talk to you soon!






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eunhaekaisooftw #1
HAHAHA even the strangers got judged by u . ohwelll ~ btw how old are u again ?
U always get th perfect gifs that suit exactly how ur like! They crack me up:)
hahaha... enjoy your food and yeah... I'm gonna join you! *eat some noodle* and... Goodluck at your new neighbourhood~
watwotwut #4
Diet? What diet? XD
Jinjja? You'll move out?
How old are you??? XD
Soo cool~
Lol, the word "diet" doesn't exist in my dictionary XD
#7 probably have energy to eat since that cousin of yours is GONE! xDD
Lmfao xD ^^)v