3 word survey!! (Stolen from MaknaeHappy who stole it from bigbangbias who stole it from MrsKibum)


MUST USE 3 WORDS. (no more no less)

Stolen from MaknaeHappy who stole it from bigbangbias who stole it from MrsKibum



Not as easy as you might think...(or is it?!)

1. Where is your cell phone?

On my desk

O2. Boyfriend/girlfriend?

I am Single

3. Hair?

Long, wavy, brown

4. Your mother?

Sweet, caring, funny

5. Your father?

Clueless, hardworking, smoker

6. Your favorite item?

Ipod and Laptop

7. Your dream last night?

An Amazing Concert

8. Your favorite drink?

I think Coffee

9. Your dream guy/girl?

Not sure... G-Dragon?

10. The room you are in?

My own bedroom

11. Your fear?

Heights and Death

12. What do you want to be in 10 years?

Being trully happy

13. Who did you hang out with last night

Casper the ghost

14. What are you not?

A blue  unicorn

15. Are you in love?

No, not really

16. One of your wish list items

Trainee in YG

17. The last thing you did?

Updated a chapter

18. What are you wearing?

Pajamas and socks!

19. Your favorite book?

10 little s

20. The last thing you ate?

It was tangerine 

21. Your life?

Artistic, weird, bright

22. Your friends?

I love them

23. What are you thinking about right now?

I am hungry

24. Your car?

It is invisible

26. What are you doing at this moment?

Isn't it Obvious?

27. Your summer?

Hot and boring

28. Your relationship status?

I am Single...

29. What is on your TV screen?

Meaning of this?

30. When is the last time you laughed?

Some time ago

31. Last time you cried?

I don't remember


Currently at Vacation!


Now repost this as 3 word survey

PS. no more no less




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you messed up XD It said "no more no less" and you have answers with just one word... so you messed up XDDD