What if yor ex says these to you after he betrayed you with a cheap ?

(Stolen from theAwesomeYu + a bit edited) What if your ex says these to you after he betrayed you with a ???  1. Hi! How are you? We haven't talked for a while.  Me:Hey!....and bye! 2. You wanna hang out with my peeps and I? Me:No interest! 3. I LOVE YOU...  Me:I HATE YOU.... 4.Do you want some cookie? Me: Yes..... 5. Let's take a photo together!  Me:No, you would just ruin the photo! 6.Help me with my homework? Me:It's not my fault that you're that stupid -.-" 7.Here's my gift for you!  Me:What's the occassion?   8.Let's just text, arasseo?  Me: Don't expect me to reply -_- 9.Want me to buy you an iPod? Me:I have my own money -.-  10.Let's sit together in the bus later?  Me:No! 11. Hi Baby!  Me: Don't call me that again or you are....... -.-*


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if it was me,the answers would be Really different from yours guys... d_b
3. i love you

Me: Oh thanks, I love myself too. :)
6. Help me with my homework?

Me: why don't you ask your lovely cheap ____?

Haha! : )
10. Let's sit together in the bus later?
Me: sure. I'll shove you out of the window when the bus is moving. I'm sure you'll love it <3
3-I love you
me:I love me too